Ongoing Child Abuse Civil Court Trial of Victoria Boer v. the Canadian Jehovahs Witnesses Organization, Watchtower Courtroom 4-4, 361 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario as reported in The Toronto Sun, Canadian Press, The Globe and Mail, CBC News and CITY Pulse during the week of September 9, 2002
Defence counsel for Watchtower attempting to prevent famed Jehovahs Witness historian, Dr. James Penton, from testifying at trial. If the Watchtower believes it has such a strong child abuse policy, why is its defence counsel preventing the famed historian from taking the stand?
Could it be that Dr. Penton understands how males dominate the organizations hierarchy? Just read the attached August 22, 1967 edition of the Awake! magazine (pages 27 and 28) published by the Watchtower. Notice how a womans menstrual cycle and physical brain size justifies and establishes a mans authority in the organization. How can an organization, which holds this attitude toward women, understand how to protect and assist women and children who are victims of child abuse?
Advocates - Barb and Joe Anderson xxxxxx, Alan Feuerbacher xxxxxxx
Can. Victims - xxxxxxxx
Counsel - Charles Mark 416-869-0929
Why is Vicki Boer Suing?
Ms. Boer alleges that the JW policies and practices dealing with the investigation and reporting of child abuse harmed her.
What is Silentlambs?
In a September 6, 2002 news release, Silentlambs Inc. is described as an advocacy group for Jehovahs Witnesses child sexual abuse victims founded by former JW Elder William H. Bowen in 2001. It disputes the Churchs position on child abuse for 8 reasons:
1 Untrained Elders Required Interrogation of Children
2 - Failure to Report Sexual Abuse to Authorities without delay
3 - Failure of Churchs Two Witness Rule
4 - Excommunication of Advocates
5 - Public at Risk
6 - Congregations at Risk
7 Churchs Shunning Doctrine
8 - Private Database
Silentlambs Inc. September 11, 2002---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachments (Put an http:// in front of the below urls and copy them to your browser) by - HAWKAW on 11 September 2002 20:2:32