ok, here's the wires that I said I'd post in JWrobot's thread for Free and anyone that's interested. It looks like Reg Resources was into drilling, became Reg Tech around '93, obtained 40% of Rand Technologies whom I assume is Regi, because later obtained another 11% to have a controlling interest in the engine. Rand Technologies, at least from a 2000 wire, appeared to be a non-franchised distributor of electronic components. Rand also has Rand Technologies of Michigan, Inc. and Rand Worldwide.
May 29, 1985, Wednesday
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 28 /PRN/ -- Reg
Resources Corp. (VSE: RRE) said it has optioned 103 units covering
6,300 acres adjacent to its Silverknife holdings in northern
British Columbia from the joint venture of Packard Resources Ltd.
(VSE: PAD) -- 75 percent -- and International Megaline
Resources Ltd., 25 percent. This strategic land holding
lies between the known deposits of Marbaco and Regional Resources:
140,000 tons grading 10.7 ounces a ton of silver and 8.84 percent
combined lead/zinc, and 6 million tons grading 11.7 ounces a
ton of silver and 18 percent combined lead/zinc, respectively.
By completing a minimum of $250,000 of exploration by
December 1987, Reg will earn a 51 percent working interest
in the property, provided that $50,000 of the work is completed
by December 1985 and an additional $100,000 by December 1986.
Geochemical sampling completed by Packard and Megaline discovered
three anomalous zones, one of which is ready to test by drilling.
In addition, favorable stratigraphy exists, as noted by engineer
Gary Medford in a 1984 report. "Packard's claims cover geological
formations which are the extension of those found on Regional
Resources' ground, as well as those which host the significant
marbaco deposit on the western boundary of the claim group,"
the report stated.
More recently, geophysical work completed by Noranda crews
on Reg's behalf indicate that a favorable host limestone traverses
the 4-kilometer width of Packard's claims.
Reg Resources will raise $273,000 via a private placement
that was approved May 24. Work is scheduled to start on Packard's
property in early June, and will include testing of at least
one of the anomalies by drilling, Reg Resources added.
CONTACT -- John Robertson, president of Reg Resources,
604-278-4455, or Julian Baldry, president of Packard, 604-682-5242;
Copyright 1986 Business Wire, Inc
May 28, 1986, Wednesday
REG-RESOURCES; (RRE) Reaches agreement with Rand Cam-engine Corp.
Reg Resources Corp. announces that an option agreement has been reached in
regard to the Rand Cam-engine.
Reg Resources has agreed to pay the Rand Cam-engine Corp. $50,000 by June 27,
1986, and $200,000 to Rand Cam-engine Corp. for research and development on a
prototype engine to be paid no later then Dec. 31, 1986, to earn a 40 percent
interest in the private corporation which owns a 100 percent interest in the
engine. The Rand Cam-engine has been granted patents in 14 countries, as
follows: USA India Russia Iran South Africa Spain Argentina Taiwan Bangladesh
Turkey Chile Pakistan Australia New Zealand
Applications for patent approval have also been made to 25 additional countries
and have been allowed in Canada and 11 European countries to date.
This engine design, as claimed by the inventor, enables the engine to develop 75
H.P. at 500 RPM from an 1836 cc engine, an engine of amazing efficiency
according to a report prepared for the Rand Cam-engine Corp.
In a separate agreement on the Rand Cam-engine IAM Investments is to receive
$10,000 and 50,000 shares of Reg Resources Corp. and a 4 percent net profit
interest in Reg Resources interest as a finders fee and has agreed to act as our
consultant for one year.
CONTACT: Reg Resources Corp., Vancouver
John G. Robertson, 604/278-4455 PRESS RELEASES (90%); RESEARCH &
Copyright 1992 Canada NewsWire Ltd.
March 27, 1992, Friday
Reg Resources Corp. wishes to announce that Reg Resources Corp. and Rand Cam
Engine Corp. have agreed in principle, subject to finalization of documentation,
to acquire an option on an additional 11 percent interest in the private company which owns 100 percent interest to all rights to the Rand Cam Engine. This would give Reg Resources Corp. a 51 percent control position when this option is exercised in the said private company.
Reg Resources Corp. has also been appointed exclusive agent for the world
licensing rights to the Rand Cam Engine and can earn additional 10 percent
commission on all benefits from selling the License rights.
The Rand Cam Engine is an internal combustion rotary engine with only three
main moving parts and, according to our engineers report, the power to weight
ratio is for every one pound, the engine will generate one horsepower which is
approximately 1/6 the weight of the existing piston engine.
For further information: John G. Robertson, President, (604) 278-4455
(this next wire is basically the same, but interesting wording)
Copyright 1992 Canada NewsWire Ltd.
August 6, 1992, Thursday
Controlling interest in the revolutionary Rand Cam engine has now been
secured by Reg Technologies Corp. (Vancouver: RRE). The engine developer now
has a 51-percent interest in the multimillion-dollar potential Rand Cam engine
after acquiring an additional 11-percent interest in the Rand Energy Group Inc.
Rand Energy Group Inc. owns 100-percent interest in all rights to the Rand Cam
engine. Reg Technologies Corp. will pay $ 10,000 and 100,000 treasury shares for
the additional interest as well as two consecutive payments of $ 500,000 due in
July 1993 and 1994, respectively. Reg Technologies Corp. will also pay a
5-percent net profit interest to the Rand Cam Engine Corp. of up to $10 million.
The Rand Cam engine is destined to surpass any engine in the lightweight
engine category. The engine yields an astonishing 1 horsepower for every 3/4
pound of engine weight. The automotive engineering team at West Virginia
University, and its director, Dr. James Smith, who are currently working on the
second prototype, said, "The new engine will generate a 100 hp punch, and you
can literally carry it under your arm, as it will be only 12 inches in
Based on the recent progress report from WVU, the revolutionary internal
rotary combustion engine with only three main moving parts represents a
technological breakthrough in the propeller-driven engine market. The powerhouse
engine is ideal for boats, planes and helicopters. In addition, the engine with
its simplistic design is adaptable to standard technology, so there is no costly
plant restructuring for manufacturers.
Market research shows a multibillion-dollar market awaits the Rand Cam
engine; therefore, Reg Technologies is poised for explosive growth.
Copyright 1992 PR Newswire Association, Inc.
October 14, 1992, Wednesday
DATELINE: RICHMOND, British Columbia, Oct. 14
Reg Resources Corp. (NASDAQ: REG RF) (soon to be Reg Technologies Inc.)
today announced significant developments in the building and launching of
the Rand Cam/Direct Charge engine. According to a recent report by the Center
for Research Applications (CIRA), the engine is currently in its optimization
stage at West Virginia University, Morgantown, Va. CIRA believes that a working
prototype will be ready for development by December 1992 and can have the engine
ready for production within the year.
CIRA believes there is tremendous potential for the Rand-Cam/Direct Charge
engine market (up to 50 hp). The engine's simple design (only three main moving
parts) will reduce product assembly costs, allowing industrial corporations to
manufacture more durable products at a fraction of their current weights and at
very competitive prices.
Reg Resources Corp. has been accepted for listing on the NASDAQ OTC bulletin
board - symbol: REG RF. Public Securities of Spokane, Washington is the market
maker and their telephone number for US callers is: 800-925-5157. Canadian
callers: 509-466-2440.
The Vancouver Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the
information contained herein. CONTACT: John G. Robertson president of Reg
Resources Corp., 800-661-6465, or 604-278-4455, or fax 604-278-3653
May 13, 1994
HEADLINE: Unit Joins Consortium to Develop Diesel Version of Rand Cam Engine
May 11, 1994, Reg Technologies Inc. (REGRF) announced that it formed a
consortium to develop a diesel version of its Rand Cam Engine that would be sold
to the U.S. government and commercial markets.
REGRF said the other members of the the consortium are the Hercules Aerospace
unit of Hercules Inc. (HPC), West Virginia University Research Corp., andREGRF's Rand Energy Group Inc. unit.
Edited by - deddaisy on 12 September 2002 5:11:50