I loved this one movie with Jim Carry called "Liar Liar" and I always wished I could make the Witnesses tell the truth in field service, just for one day. Think about it, it would sound something like this.
Householder <woman> : Hello
Witness : How are you today?
Householder : Fine
Witness : Well what I am doing today is knocking on all the doors in your neighborhood to tell everyone they are all dead meat unless they talk to me and learn the truth about my religion, so how does it feel to be a walking corpse.
Householder : Is this some sort of joke?
Witness : No, not at all ... I do this all the time, in fact I am a regular Pioneer of this message.
Householder : Pioneer, what?
Witness : Well you see, so that I look good and have more power, I go out preaching this message 80 hours a month. Really though I only do about 20 and write down that I do 80. I spend the rest of the time surfing porn on the internet.
Householder : Why are you calling me a corpse.
Witness : Well anyone that do not follow our religion are going to die at Armageddon and be eaten by birds, why we move into your house and go through all your things. Better hide your underwear, we have some child molesters who love to put those things on and dance like fairies.
Householder : Your nuts, this whole conversation is stupid.
Witness : Well your dead meat then, might as well drink poison now and not live another day. If you do not listen to me, there is no hope ... can I scope out your house now, that pool in the back looks really nice.
Householder : No, in fact I want you off my property.
Witness : Oh, now you have done it. You have turned against the message for sure, Jehovah will take extra pleasure in making sure your death is terrible.
Householder : You don't even know me, that is sick.
Witness : It does not matter, if you do not listen to me ... your deadmeat, plain and simple!
Householder : Just go away!
Witness : Okay ... <singing> from house to house, from door to door ... <walking away>
Witness gets to car group and makes a note in their return visit book. "Householder seemed interested in our message, return later with Sister Smith and see if she can trick her into talking more."
My weird thought
Edited by - kenpodragon on 12 September 2002 21:43:6