From JW sheep to U.S. sheep

by kelsey007 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelsey007

    Right after 9-11 Bush could write all the blank checks he wanted. As time took us away from the events of 9-11 the majority of Americans came back to their senses and begain taking the checkbook away from him. Now the annaversary date arrives, 9-11 is remembered and the checkbook is handed back over to Bush.

    It kind of reminds me of how as JWs we would start kind of coming to our senses. Seeing things the way they really were- Then the GB would hold a rally to remind us of why we hated this world and the pending doom of armagedon. Then we would sheepishly had the GB the checkbook to control our lives again.....

  • Pathofthorns

    The JW's being labelled an "American religion" makes so much sense... Still slaves buying into the same propaganda... only different masters.

    But I think at least Bush has taken a more positive direction lately by (at least pretending to be) giving the UN a(nother) chance. If Iraq doesn't comply this time I think Bush will get the support he needs from the world community to do what he intends to do.


  • freedom96

    I have friends that know the Bush family, and they are not as bad as the rap they get. We may all have different opinions regarding politics, but when it is all said and done, they are people just like us, trying to make a positive difference.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Now the annaversary date arrives, 9-11 is remembered and the checkbook is handed back over to Bush.

    Yeah, and if a 'dirty little a-bomb' is unleashed in one of our communities the checkbook they throw at him will be hugh!

    Go Bush - Get Osama and his mama!

    Edited by - Double Edge on 13 September 2002 17:35:38

    Edited by - Double Edge on 13 September 2002 17:45:7

  • kelsey007

    1. I never said that I had anything personal against the Bushes- Do I like thier politics? NO!

    2. In the year 2001 an Indian earthquake took 20,000 lives- does anyone remember that? Each year 15,000 Americans die by homicide.

    Suppose we had reacted to 9-11 as we did to last Septembers auto deaths. That would not have lessoned the destroyed property, lost lives and livelihoods, and personal bereavement of family and associates of the WTC victims. But no billions of dollarswould have been needed to prop up airlines. Congress might have enacted prescription drug benefits as it was poised to do before 9-11- which has a more direct and lasting effect on many more lives in this country than the acts of 9-11.

    As Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." We can help ensure that terroists don't win if we minimize our fears and react more constructively to future terrorism.

    To date- due to the actions and over-reactions of the USA: the terrorist have won. A recent news headline in which three middle eastern medical students were detained for 17 hours because a overzealous and possibly prejudice Georgia woman heard more than what was said shows how the terrorist have won. as Bin Laden and his crews sit in caves and middle class American homes they chuckle and snigger at the paranoria they have brought to the USA and the freedoms they have cost us.

    Our greatest vulnerability to terrorism is the persisting, irrational fear of terrorism that has gripped the country. We must start behaving like the informed, reasoning beings we profess to be.

    The terrorist have effectively sidelined our domestic issues- issues that will effect our citizens for years to come- and possibly generations to come. By minimizing our negative reactions, we might contribute to undermining terrorists' goals as effectively as by waging war on them or by mounting homeland defenses.

    History bares out that the anglos sacrifise prudent action by stopping in their tracks to seek revenge against all who step on them. Bin Ladin knows our traits better than we ourselves.

    I do not support the likes of Sadam. I support balance. As my elderly mother suffers through having to pay full price for needed medications, as millions of others in this country also, just to the north of our borders, in Canada- they pay greatly reduced prices for the same drugs. Why? Because the Canadian government has more concern for it's citizens than it does for international domination.

    Right after 9-11 our leaders urged Americans to get back to a normal life- unfortunately this was meant more to support the airline industry than to support the American way of life. To our shame and disgrace the terrorist have us running from ghosts. They have halted us in our tracks. We are willing to totally change our way of lives due to 9-11.

    Yes, I believe prudent action is needed. Balanced action. Not action lead by polularity and politics. Not over reaction.

    Where were the headlines of JOY when we learned that much fewer died in the WTC than we thought? Even on the anaverary of the event when the names of the victims were read from groud zero we learned (in sub articles) that many listed as dead were NOT dead. We are so set on seeing the terror that we refuse to stop and rejoice over how due to our assets a much lesser number was lost than expected. No great joy expressed.

    One life is too many to be lost. Whether it be because of a drunk driver or a domestic dispute or terrorist attack.

  • TR

    The difference between Bush and the GB is the difference between reality and a fairy tale.


  • kelsey007

    TR: I was not comparing the GB and Bush. I was speaking solely of our reactions as people. The people here are so down on the GB and so up on Bush that they cannot see that.

    For clarification: Most people are sheep. All are buying from propaganda. Whether the propaganda is put out by the GB, Bush, the media or your next door neighbor. "We must defend ourselves against Sadam!" "He is evil!" "Armagedon is near." The world is evil! We must stand up against evil!

    Anyone ever thought about just standing up for good or right? Or must we always have a "evil" to fight? Is anyone thinking about how all this will turn out when the emotions are settled? Anyone believe in balance?

  • Valis

    There is something to be said about the correlation between JWland and the aftereffects of 9/11.


    W speaks up with a dissenting viewpoint.

    The JW is thought to be bringing about trouble or displaying an attitude of rebellion.

    US citizens speak up about the loss of privacy, cencorship, and infringement on other rights after 9/11.

    Those citizens are branded as unpatriotic just for exercising the constitutional right to freedom of speech.

    Not too hard to figure out or see really.


    District Overbeer

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