How to Become a WT Stockholder/ Voting Member????

by JT 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    When i read about those who think that there is some major power struggle at bethel-I often wonder how much do they really understand about the guys in charge

    you see with a one man show (Rutherford, knorr to some degree before 75/76, russell) all you need to do is change one guys view and it is done

    anyone who knows how middle management and committees work know that nothing gets done or changed many times cause no one wants to take the blame and risk losing their cushy positions by being removed by the others who will say:

    "We told you that was a JackA$$ Idea"

    i often laugh when i see folks talk about Reform- any reform will be due to the need for self preservation- not out of righteous indignation-

    for those of you who don't recognize or know the men on THE LIST OF BETHEL HEAVIES I POSTEDt- let me share something with you--- and others who know them will back me up on this point-

    those men listed represent perhaps the most dye in the wool jw on the face of the earth-

    many have commented that the GB have given up power BY RESIGNING FROM the board and officers post in the wt corp, LIKE HELL THEY HAVE

    these guys on this list are for the most part a perfect reflection of mindset and goals of the GB


    In order to get on this list one must have a proven record of SELLING ONES SOUL YEARS AGO

    Many comment about how the Shareholders in the WT corp work , esp when they meet in Oct of each year like they will be doing shortly-

    Well How do you get to be a Shareholder in WT corp and thereby be a Voting Member?

    I had a Voting Member on the BOE I served on he was a former bethelite like myself, he had went to gilead and served on the branch committee in Africa for years before returning to the states due to wife health problems SHE HATED IT OVER THERE IN AFRICA SMILE

    Anyway I recall the first year I was in the Hall and the buzz around Sept was


    it was like a HONOR TO BE INVITED

    as you know the most important men in the org attend this meeting ALL THE HEAVIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD ARE There

    SO HERE YOU are little joe blow publisher rubbing shoulders and taking pictures with branch committee folks and gbs and bethel heavies


    While at bethel I went once to the annual meeting but they made you take a vacation day to go, so a lot of the guys like myself felt it was better to just wait till some smuck in the service dept wrote up the minutes and all the exp so we could use them in talks when you traveled smile

    Yes even a bethelite in Cleaning was a Heavy when he traveled outside of NYC smile

    So I asked my man how do you become a Voting Member and how does it work- well it is pretty simple, it is like everything else you are chosen based on your performance-


    EACH VOTING MEMBER IS APPROVED BY THE GB, MUCH LIKE THE MEN who are branch committee dudes-

    THESE FOLKS ARE HAND PICKED-- their recommendations are based on the absolute grounds that these men are unwavering in their locality to the org-

    There is no stock certificates handed out

    IT IS NOTHING LIKE what most from the comments I have seen here on the net think- in terms of voting members for say a GE or IBM or microsoft

    The stockholders meeting esp the voting portion I was told is ALL A FORMAILTY TO COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF INCORPORTATION

    , IT TAKES LESS THAN 15-20 min they refer to this portion as the BUSINESS MEETING

    here they are GIVEN a list of the officers and board members and as he told me they ALWAYS VOTE 100% IN SUPPORT OF WHOEVER IS ON THE LIST sorry folks there is not power struggle for the VP position, etc.

    As he told me it is like at the Hall

    when we would adopt a resolution- EVERYONE AGREES WITH WHAT THE ELDERS have already decided, case in point TO PAY THE CO EXPENSES.

    So when the GB and their right hand men have selected JR Brown and others to serve on the 5 new corps

    only a JackAss Branch Overseer from Fiji would vote in disagreement-

    his butt would be finding his own way back to Fiji- he would not be flying back to Fiji on wt expense

    In fact they would probably call the branch in Fiji-- tell some of the boys in cleaning-- go to his room pack all his Sh!t and mail it to his nonjw brother in Texas


    Now with the expansion of some 20+ men to run things -- who all serve only at the good pleasure of the GB and their fellow members

    there aint no snow ball chance in hell--- they will try anything in terms of breaking away as some splitter group-

    One needs to keep in mind they (NOT THE RANK AND FILE) are living large (JR BROWN WANTS TO KEEP DRIVING THAT Q45 Infiniti ) why break away and end up losing the Pacific realm of the org- then you will not have places like Hawaii to fly off to --to give talks at.

    So I asked my fellow elder who is a voting member what happens if a person is Dfed

    well you guessed it they lose their voting rights

    Now can you see a person losing the right to vote as a GE share holder just because you dont agree with ones church.

    Just my 2

  • outnfree

    Thanks for the insight, (((((((((((((James))))))))))))). I always wondered how those meetings went.

    The more I learn the more often I am shaking my head in disbelief.


  • happy man
    happy man


    thank you very much, this was a very intresting story, and as i think it is like when we wote on the kingdom hall.

    the most intresting point is who are in charge, who have the money,you dont answer that?

    in franz book he say nowan now this, unbelevebel.

    i can not understand why GB is so secret widh this things, all this make them look suspicious.

    you say that you was on bethel, do you now some more who have leave like you?

    greatings from the north.

  • Larry

    So these days are gone? - "Anyone who donated ten dollars to the Society was eligible to cast one vote at board elections. Contributors could cast one additional vote for each ten-dollar increment contributed above a minimum donation."

    JT, as always, thanks for the insight. I remember they would always post the upcoming meetings in the 'Tower, and every time I asked a 'Heavy' what are the annual meetings like, they would say "it's no big deal." I also remember getting the notes and using the experiences in a talk.

    Any voting members women?

    Peace - LL

  • metatron

    deep stuff, JT
    I wouldn't argue with a word of it.

    Reform? not gonna happen. With committees in charge, change happens like a
    glacier moves. Real, quick change comes from the Legal Dept. - "Oh my God,
    we're gonna get sued!" gets more immediate response than ANYTHING else.

    If anyone wants hope in this, just keep chipping away at the Watchtower.
    There's no other way to fix things except to downsize them out of existence.

    Sometimes you need to write down your own opinions, just to see the
    logical flaws in them. With the Watchtower Society, you uncover so much
    nonsense, dishonesty, and deliberate fraud that it suddenly hits you
    like a slap in the face.

    They can't be anything other than what they are. They can't be 'moral'
    or 'ethical' or kind or loving because that would end their enterprize.
    They can't stop misquoting or lying because there's no other way for them.


  • Satanus

    Jt, thanks, that was very informative.

    There is no stock certificates handed out

    The wt stock holder has nothing substantial, no power, really. In ibm or microsoft stocholders actually have stocks that are worth something. Even ones tossed off the board of directors can sell their stocks for money. Maybe i missed something, but i need to ask this, how can wt stockholders, voting members be called stockholders, if they in reality, have no stocks, nothing of any real value??? Back in russel's days, there were real stocks worth money. Stockholders who have no stock. Is that legal??


  • Black Man
    Black Man


    Yeah, I went to a couple of the annual meetings. Its interesting how that is determined for Bethelites to go. The times I went, it went by years of service and if your name started with the letter "__". While I didn't have a lot of years at Bethel at the time, I did have a good amount of years in, in the full-time ministry. So I had the honor of securing a NOSEBLEED SEAT at the Annual Meeting at Stanley Theater a couple of times. From a rank-and-file Bethelite perspective, IT WAS A COMPLETE AND UTTER WASTE OF TIME. It only meant something if you were a heavy or a rank and file JW who's dream was to be in the presence of a heavy. The program consisted of a slew of experiences that you'd later see in the yearbook and these STAGED RESOLUTIONS to do this and that. It was just an opportunity for Bethel heavies to style and profile (FLOSS as I call it) and to pontificate and for everybody else to go "WOW".

    It sucked that you had to burn a vacation day for it......those bastards...........

  • Wren

    Wow, thanks for this topic and commentary JT. I'm in awe at all the insiders views today on the board. Something this now ex-r/f never imagined could be public a couple decades ago.

  • DanTheMan
    SO HERE YOU are little joe blow publisher rubbing shoulders and taking pictures with branch committee folks and gbs and bethel heavies


    Ugh, I can picture the scene...

    All these self-important middle-aged and elderly men, dressed in their expensive suits, slapping each other's backs and yucking it up. Like a mafia family reunion.


    Thanks JT

  • JT

    The more I learn the more often I am shaking my head in disbelief.



    dont feel bad, I still shake my head as well


    "the most intresting point is who are in charge, who have the money,you dont answer that? in franz book he say nowan now this, unbelevebel.

    i can not understand why GB is so secret widh this things"

    I agree with the above --this is the hardest part for most folks to accept or believe- NO ONE REALLY HAS THE MONEY, it literally belongs to the entity known as the Society

    I personally lived 3 doors from Fred Franz on the 9 th floor of 124 columbia hts building- HE WALKED UP THE STEPS ALMOST EVERYDAY, RARELY TOOK the elevator till he was very sick. I recall a housekeep letting me in his room one day ---

    I came home early for a watchmen duty that night and so they let you off early for early dinner and so I went into his room since all the doors are open doing the day for housekeepers to clean

    his room was Plainer than my roommate and mine- - almost all the single GBs room were plain jane- the married gb rooms were very nice- esp gifts they had reiceved as they travel, plus women like nice things

    You could walk down the hall during the day when the housekeepers have the doors open and you could spot a single mans room and a married couples room very easily-

    While the wt takes in anywhere from 700million to over a billion dollars -- no one at bethel is able to go out and write a check and buy themselves a Rolls Royce-

    in the old days of Rutherford they could --but today with all the committees and so forth you have to requisition toilet paper almost-

    they live in such fear that if you are in a powerful position you know that at anytime if you violate something you will be replaced, the same as the local jw is more than glad to turn in a jw who violates the rule---

    at bethel it is even greater for you then hope to be promoted for showing your loyalty to the org by telling on a bro who is suspected of misusing funds

    case in point, guys like Don Adams, Dave Sinclairthey didnt even use Society vehicles (which they could have) , they drove around in old PUTT PUTTs, but the POWER THAT THESE MEN WEILD IS UNREAL-

    yes they get perks from jw around the world, but when you look at a Benny Hinn or Crevelo Dollar , or TD Jakes, these guys at bethel are broke

    let me explain it this way- if any of the TV Preachers quit the ministry today. More than likely they have stash enough cash away to laugh at all the folks who sent them chks for prayer clothes,

    but if the avg Bethel heavy quit the Org today -- HE WOULD BE SH!T UP CREEK financially speaking for the most part- cause he didnt have direct access to the wt cash unlike a Benny Hinn.


    you say that you was on bethel, do you now some more who have leave like you?

    #### yes lots of posters are former bethelites- just stick around RAndy WATTERS IS A FORMER BETHELITE FREEMINDS.ORG


    So these days are gone? - "Anyone who donated ten dollars to the Society was eligible to cast one vote at board elections. Contributors could cast one additional vote for each ten-dollar increment contributed above a minimum donation."

    ######## YES Those days are gone- smile-

    Any voting members women?

    NOT A ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as James Brown says: IT'S A MAN'S WORLD

    Metatron says: "Oh my God,
    we're gonna get sued!" gets more immediate response than ANYTHING else.

    ### excellent point

    the comment was made:

    "how can wt stockholders, voting members be called stockholders, if they in reality, have no stocks, nothing of any real value??? Back in russel's days, there were real stocks worth money. Stockholders who have no stock. Is that legal??"

    Great question- wish I knew the answer it appears to be legal I would guess since no voting member is suing for anything-

    The voting members could best be described as RUBBER STAMPS


    Black man says:

    NOSEBLEED SEAT at the Annual Meeting at Stanley Theater a couple of times.

    Yes I used to sit there as well- DO YOU remember the bethelites who would marry the sister who started pioneering when she was 15 or 16 and now by the time she gets to bethel she has 10yrs of fulltime service

    One year the Nerd is sitting behind you the next-- you are looking at the back of his head ===smile

    Wren says:

    . I'm in awe at all the insiders views today on the board. Something this now ex-r/f never imagined could be public a couple decades ago.

    ######### You call it AWE and the wt calls it AWE SH!T they have posted more BOE letter on the net- yes the wt hates the net for the very same reason you love it and find it so informative


    This comment sums it up well:

    Like a mafia family reunion

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