The Letter I received: re child custody crisis

by Esmeralda 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Esmeralda

    Hello all,

    This is the letter I received concerning the custody issue. I have been given permission by the
    writer to post the contents here. I am doing this so that anyone who may have any ideas can
    pitch them in...This is really heartbreaking.

    "I separated from my now ex in 1998.
    I obtained a protective order the same year.
    I have 3 children the court has given me temporary custody which is hotly contested by my ex. They are his last weapon on me.
    He is an active Jehovah's Witness. I have disassociated myself due to hypocracy I have witnessed.
    I was molested by my father who is also a member. No actions have ever been taken against either of them for domestic violence or molestation. The statute of limitations in ____ (the state she's in) has run out on my father.
    I have spoken out against church policy in Christianity Today to support Bill Bowen.

    My ex has appealed the decision of the Court and says I am not religiously compatible with the girls.
    Through my ex my girls have access to my father the molester and I can do nothing. Thus, I am fighting through speaking out.
    My attorney quit the case as he is not equipped for appelate courts and I have no legal representation now.
    I expect to receive the appeal paperwork any day and have no idea where to go with this.

    Can you help?

    Do you have any ideas?


    I have already passed on all the links and info that was sent in response to my earlier thread. Thanks
    to everyone who helped. I appreciate any additional ideas you all may have to contribute.

    Thanks, on behalf of the letter's author.


  • Fredhall


    If this person needs help, then she can call the Watchtower Society.

  • Esmeralda

    : If this person needs help, then she can call the Watchtower Society.

    Oh, I think the Society has already done enough for her.

    Thanks, Fred, for yet another sensitive, heartfelt reply.


  • Seven

    Esmeralda, I wish there was something more I could contribute aside from a few more links. The children always lose. I sincerely hope she can present a convincing enough argument for the courts to rule in her favor and limit the children's contact with their cult family. Very sad.



    Has she contacted her state's ACLU office? Perhaps they could provide some advice considering the religious nature of the case.

  • Esmeralda

    Thanks, Seven, you're such a dear *hug*

    I'll pass your post on to her. I have given her the URL of the board too and hope she comes here. She could
    really use some support right now!

    Thanks again for your help


  • ZazuWitts

    Dear Esmeralda,

    You might want to check out Steve Hassan's homepage:

    Once, there click discussion groups on left hand side of page, this will take you to YahooGroups, register to join Freedom of Mind group and post the letter and a request for help. I feel confident you will get some worthwhile assistance/advice from some members of this group.

  • Esmeralda

    Thanks Zazu, I'll pass that on to her too.

    I really appreciate all the replies!!! :)


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