The JW Hero thread motivated me to make this thread. So when you were still in, did you have a role model which was also a JW?
When I was young (pre school) my parents were friends with another young couple, which also happaned to live nearby. I remember us doing a lot with them, they also happaned to have a boy in my age. I remember him as very kind to me, sometimes bringing me even presents when he and his family came for a visit (thats how I got my first Walkman).
He was an elder who gave enthusiastic talks which also were easy to follow, he was also good as a dad, often doing stuff with his kids and he also had a well paid job. He would not even hesitate to move around for better paid jobs.
He was my JW role model for a very long time... I also wanted to become like him, successful in the truth and build also a nice carreer for me.
Of course everything changed ... as he became richer he also became a jerk. He was still giving good talks from the platform at conventions but he would also flaunt around his newest cellphones/cars whatever... and then his talks also stopped when he cheated on his wife during a shepherding call where he visited the sister alone ...