PropagandaMatrix; Exposing Govt SponsoredTerrorism
by sf 6 Replies latest jw friends
sf, THANK YOU for posting this!
I personally believe that whatever is going to happen with the War on Iraq was already decided at the Bilderberger Meetings.
I know of lots of Links I could post here soon about the Freemasons, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, and the Bilderbergers.
I believe the above groups definitely had a hand in 9/11, OKC Bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center Attack, and every major World Event.
I also believe that the Watchtower has some connections with the above groups (not sure how much they are connected though).
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 14 September 2002 23:59:15
Well, you like your 'peas' so much, here, have some 'broccoli'...I pulled it off this page that will keep you very busy and will educate you beyond your wildest dreams:
WOW! You're right, that will keep me extremely busy! Thanks!
Here are a few Links I know of, which first opened my eyes on a lot of things that are going on:
More of the same Much More -
happy man
Can you please give me the link too this sites.
Mornin' all,
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The keywords I inserted were: Watchtower CIA drug trade
Omit, add, play with words and you will find a virtual warehouse of sites, pages and documents.