Dealing with different emotions

by back2dafront 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • back2dafront

    Anybody else ever get angry at the fact that Witnesses think they're the only righteous ones in the world? It bothers me so much. It's like they say it's ultimately up to Jehovah to decide, but in the same breath they condemn you if you're not a Dub.

    And the fact that they consider everything printed by WBTS as the ultimate truth and fact just drives me INSANE!!!! There are so many different theories and philosphies on life and how we got here - their conviction is just a small percentage of the global beliefs, yet they are so undoubtly assured that they are THE ONES. It's so sad that most of them don't even entertain the thought or idea that there is a possibility they could all be misled - they don't think that's possible. ???

    I'm just so frustrated. Who knows what tomorrow will bring - why let something like beliefs ruin your relatoinship with your FAMILY?!?! The world's a crazy place.

  • SYN

    Hey B2DF, remember, every Ghod is the one true Ghod.

  • plmkrzy

    This one is probably the most delt with of all

  • back2dafront

    Yeah, that's the sad thing about it. Everyone thinks they know exactly how He wants to be worshipped, and they criticize or worse yet kill others that don't agree with them. Instead of nit-picking on inconsequential "little" things, why not focus on a common focus and theme of ALL religions - LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Leave the rest up to God.

    It seems so simple.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    I always say:

    Live. Learn. Love.

    Live to Learn.

    Learn to Love.

    Love to learn.

    Learn to Live.

  • pincushion

    Kind of reminds me of Charles Manson...Helter Skelter..luckily he only brainwashed a couple dozen.

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