Do you know who "Mastema" is?

by Nathan Natas 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I was interested in sf's posting here -

    - which provided a link to the online magazine "Conspiracy Digest." -

    Since this is a topic I enjoy exploring occasionally, I decided to browse the site a little. I saw an ad for a book titled, "BUSHWHACKED: INSIDE STORIES OF TRUE CONSPIRACY" By Uri Dowbenko. The extensive description of the book listed a chapter titled, "Spiritual Wickedness in High Places" is the last known interview with the late author Malachi Martin on the End of Religion (As We Know It)."

    "Hmmm... Something else I don't know anything about..." let's plug the name "Malachi Martin" into a search engine and see what pops up.

    I found a link to this same article, "Spiritual Wickedness in High Places" for free online! It is here:


    I read that Malachi Martin was a Catholic priest. Another "Hmmm..." Then I read:

    "... Malachi Martin even knew about the alternative Abraham and Isaac story in one of the so-called Pseudepigrapha, the Book of Jubilees. In this unsanctioned version of Genesis, Abraham is commanded to kill his son, but not by God. Instead it is Mastema, a fallen angel known as "the accusing angel" as well as the Tempter and Executioner, who tells the Hebrew patriarch to do the dirty deed. To his credit, of course, Abraham doesn't slaughter his firstborn. ..."

    DOUBLE "Hmmm..."!! Let's do a search for "Book of Jubilees."

    Well, here it is, first a commentary, and then the complete book itself:

    (Note: I thnk it is too long to post the entire contents here, but if anyone wants it as a plain text email, just ask.)


  • Leolaia
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Satan. Martin was an interesting guy. I ran a thread once based on one of his books.that book totally freaked me out.

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