Life is what you make of it!!

by Celtic 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Life, ruddy absurd it can be often, I'll grant many of you that premise, however, does life owe you any favours or do you get out of it, what you put into it? If, like many, you have been told before, that you lack the right attitude to activate positive change within your personal or financial circumstances, just what is it that can cultivate in you, the right kind of changes that further enable you to lead more fulfilled lives?

    Well, one thing for certain, is that one answer does not fit all unique circumstances. If you are wondering upon who you are and what your true purpose in life is, at first it is enough to realise that you cannot possibly expect to know all the solutions at once. Transformation and positive change takes time, patience is needed plus a willingness to try out new approaches, new ways of doing things, new intakes in understanding the complete picture represented at any one time.

    My advice is to be kind to yourself along your journey. Remember to give yourself pats on the back when deserved, give yourself compliments no matter how small the achievement might seem. Remember to breathe properly and to hold a better posture, pause before any intended action, not acting from haste or in a manner which might represent you, as looking like a right fool. Know when to step away from circumstances, when to give yourself some space. Remember not to set yourself unreachable goals all at once, setting yourself up for potential failure.

    At first, set goals upon which you know you can achieve and congratulate yourself in reaching towards that attainment. Only in time, when you feel ready for it, set yourselves greater goals that take you further from your comfort zone. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and understand the limits of others too. Other people are not you, only you is you, therefore only you can change that upon which you may not nessarsarily like about yourself.

    Life can be great, you decide what you want and only you can know best upon how you would like to see life enhancements reflexively acted upon.

    Take care and beyond anything else, enjoy yourself. What point is it in life to hide your light under a bushel and to carry on in a role which is totally disagreeable to you? Only you can change yourself, no-one else can do this for you. Positive change and full appreciation and respect for life only comes from within, a desire for change, a desire for improvement. Patience, patience, patience, you'll get there in the end. Good 'luck'!!

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

  • nilfun

    Transformation and positive change takes time, patience is needed plus a willingness to try out new approaches, new ways of doing things,
    This is something I really needed to hear. If I continue to do things the same way, over and over, then I shouldn't be surprised when the same stuff keeps happening in my life, over and over. Thanks for posting this, Celtic.
  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Words well chosen Mark!

    I have been feeling really down the past few days and it was useful to read. I am at a crossroads in my life and stare at endless possibilites, not knowing which route to travel down.


  • Celtic


    Too many possibilities eh? Aye, I know that one, been there often myself.

    What you need to aim for by the sounds of it is to try out an exercise such as this.

    Get yourself a peice of paper and write down upon it ALL the possibilities, windows of opportunity that might be available to you at this time. Don't be judgemental, just write them down in no particular order.

    Next on another sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle of the page with headings Col A/ and Col/ B. 'A' is your priority list. 'B' is your secondary list destined for the 'recycle' bin.

    After writing down and completing as best you can this sheet, write down just one word that each particular possibility / option conjures up in your mind, answer as spontaneously as possible and stick with this word, NOT changing your mind, otherwise the exercise is lost.

    Next, on another sheet, write down your 5 options that cause you to feel happy and good about what you do and after this, repeat the exercise above again focussing primarily upon what gives you the most enjoyment. Eventually, through honest evaluation of your options you may well find your action plan more clearly defined than the fog of too many possibilities situation that presently is before you.

    If you need further assistance, please never be frightened of asking.

    Kindest regards and good luck!!

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

    [email protected]

  • Crystal

    Xena posted this the other day.If you have the good fortune to talk to Xena in the chat room you will see that this works for her.She is always in a pleasant mood and boy is she fuunnnny!!!

  • TruckerGB

    Hear hear Mark.



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