Homeless Man Plays Piano Beautifully (Sarasota, FL) (ORIGINAL)" Is it wrong to donate money to him? Would the Watchtower help out?
by The1975Blues 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jehovah's Witnesses have learned by the mistakes of all the Christian churches who wasted valuable money by spending it on "Food Banks", "Woman's Shelters", "Orphanages" and "Homeless Shelters feeding the poor and hungry kids". The current May 2015 "Awake" Magazine deals with the only way to help the homeless people. Every story you will find out deals with people who did not want to work, most were using all their money on drugs or alcoholic drinks. As a Jehovah's Witness of 50 years we have never succumbed to the sneaky tactics employed by these street-urchins who take money from people who can handle reality. It's said "Drugs are for people who can't handle Reality", as a Jehovah's Witness who deals with Reality on a daily basis, I can't handle drugs my friends! Avoid making eye contact with any homeless person or they will follow you home like a stray dog! Please don't feed or give anyone handouts, that's what Christian churches do or some Government Program! Stop the spread of homeless and get them copies of the Awake magazine that will inform you of their sinister plot of stealing your hard earned money, that's why Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Organization refuse to provide any support to all these homeless Trolls!" http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201505/ -
Does the Watchtower help people in need, can anyone remember the Kingdom Hall coming to the aid or rescue of homeless and hungry, the depressed souls looking for help? What is the official position regarding helping people in need that don't take literature or show any signs of becoming a new member? I was thinking back over my life and don't know of anyone helping them, what about you? Did your congregation help by providing relief like many Christian churches do? What is their logic allowing them to turn a blind eye and not help people desperately in need? I know for a fact they take advantage of the Red Cross and other camps in Africa, the Jehovah's Witness religion uses agencies run by churches to meet up with their members so they can share religious literature while the Christian churches are feeding the Watchtower members inside the Refuge camp. -
James Mixon
This guy can fry up a few WT and Awakes after reading them, if you don't work you
don't eat. There is no unforeseen occurrences in JW world. No mental problems, read
the Awake and that will straighten you out, if your child is starving it's your fault.
Oh by the way if you find a job and want to become a JW look me up, we need money
not homeless people.
[There are] No mental problems [in the JW World].
Well there are all those newly professed anointed ones that are thought to be mentally ill.
OH........and all those mentally diseased apostates who are still hiding within the ranks.
Incredible talent. Thanks for sharing the video.
The Searcher
Maybe the G.B., C.O.'s & Bethelites could emulate this guy (and the apostle Paul!) and go out and earn money for themselves, rather than being parasites and professional charity cases! -
Let me say that the GB has long given the elders information on how to deal with homeless people. its in the secret letters the rank and file never see.
There are no charitable works in the KH, they will not help even their own members who fall into financial difficulty. in the cong I was in we had an elder body of 10 who were wealthy, when one of the poorer brothers went broke, no work, they told him the same thing I was told. you are not praying enough, hidden sin, not willing to work in menial jobs, the cong is not like churches no charity here, you can walk to meetings brothers in Africa, they have no idea of what real charity is. when I asked that question to the elders I was told the greatest charitable work is the preaching. thank GOD I am free at last.
Go, be warm and well fed.