Requiem for my beloved Aunt Flora

by Robdar 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    My favorite relative, my great aunt passed away yesterday.

    A little over a year ago, she suffered a series of strokes. The nusing home she was in was close to a thousand miles away, but I went to see her whenever I could. The last visit upset me because she recognized my face, took my hand and said "hey you" and yet couldn't recall my name. I wish that I could have visited her more often and now she is gone.

    She started out in life with nothing. She was born into a shack in the back hills of Alabama. She had no electricity, no indoor plumbing and no family wealth. But she had a brilliant mind, a love of life and nature and the desire to make a difference.

    She got her masters degree in biology. She was a scientist who did biological research. She also taught biology classes later in her life.

    She used to buy me books, not story books but books about science and nature. She always encouraged me to think for myself and to do whatever I wanted to do.

    When she was 80 years old, she fought a large corporation that wanted to tear down the wooded area near her home to build more houses. She won that fight, and the woods that she saved are now a park named after her.

    Aunt Flora, I want you to know what a profound influence you had upon my life. I want you to know how much I admired your intellect, your warmth, your strength. I want you to know how very much I love you and will miss you.

    I know that you were scientist and not a religious woman. I know that you had no opinion regarding an afterlife. But I hope that there is an afterlife because I would love to see you again one day. I would love to see you again.


    Edited by - robdar on 16 September 2002 19:59:36

  • Vivamus

    There is no greater accomplishment in life, than having people who love you. You loved your Aunt Flora, and that alone is a tribute to her. She sounded like a remarkable person.

    I am sorry for your loss. I feel for you.

    Hugs, Viv.

  • Larry

    Your aunt sounds like a true success story. Success not in a monetary way, but by leaving a seed in you and others to grow/Flor-ish.

    Peace - LL

  • alirobbi


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and love for your Aunt. She sounds like she was a remarkable woman.

    My Mom had a stroke in Feb and I identify with alot of what you said.

    Even though I don't post alot, I do read everyday and whenever I see your name I always click on the posts. Thanks again for sharing with us.


  • Vivamus

    Robyn, I kept thinking on this. I know what you are going through, I have lost dear ones before, and am facing one loss again. And I dread that moment.

    I find strength in one thought, she has lived, has loved, and was loved. And by the fact that others loved her, and remember her, she is living on. You can pass her wisdom, her love and warmth on to others.

    Take care Robyn, and please email me if you'd like.


    Yahoo ID: viv03214 / Messenger:

  • joannadandy

    Rob- so sorry for you loss!
    It hurts so much when we lose someone close to us...especially someone who plays such a 
    large role in shaping who are as a person. You were very lucky to have each other, 
    and you will always know when you look in a mirror she had a large part in helping
    you to become the beautiful and intelligent person that you are today!
    My thoughts are with you...
  • Xandria


    My thoughts are with you. I know it is hard to lose someone. She sounds like she was a wonderful person who enjoyed and cherished life. As well, as she was cherished and enjoyed by you in her life.

    All you have to do is walk through the park and a part of her is there with you. She will always be with you regardless.. she will be with you when you hear the laughter of children playing, the wind blowing, storms passing through, and in the bright sunlight coming through the branches of trees, dancing as shadows on the ground.

    I know this because ?

    I too have losses. My Mom, Uncle Hobart, Cousin Eddie,Grandma Brown,Grandma Jaime, and my Mother-in-law Jean. All within a few years of eachother.

    I feel them even though they are not here with us physically. I hear them through the same.. and as they walk through my memories of them. They pass through, as I hear children laughing, the breezes and the cool rain. Then I am comforted to know they are with me still and perhaps I will see them again. Death may be another door we don't know what lies after.



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