I am often curious what famous people have become or were Jehovahs witness. Besides Michael Jackson! and Billy Joels family (hence the song This is my life.......go ahead with your own life leave me alone) Do you know any?
Celebreties that were and are JWs
by hamptonite21 8 Replies latest social entertainment
Van Morrison's mother was a Witness, and he grew up around the Witnesses and kingdom hall, but he never became one.
Of course there is Prince, Larry Graham, George benson, Mickey Spilane, and the actress [forget her name] from "Get Christy Love." after she converted the show didn't last long, because she refused to carry a gun and fight, lol
and the actress [forget her name] from "Get Christy Love." after she converted the show didn't last long, because she refused to carry a gun and fight, lol
Teresa Graves.
I didn't know that about Billy Joel's family.
There are a lot more, with JW connections. It's been on this forum many times.
Nathan Natas
If memory serves, female bodybuilding champion Penny Price was raised a witness.
The Wayans family of comedians and actors.
Venus and Serena Williams, tennis stars.
Mickey Spillane (sp?) crime novelist.
The former artist now known as "Dub," aka Prince.
Oops, sorry, RR, I failed to notice you had already mentioned some of these..
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 17 September 2002 19:25:13
I didn't know that about Billy Joel's family.
Yes Mulan,
At least some of Billy Joel's family are JW. I remember when my younger son was driven home one day in one of Billy Joel's cars, he liked that. His sister is a JW for sure, as my older son and her are good friends. Oops did I just give away my location? Oh well. Billy is a very generous person and as I recall he donated an expensive telescope to my older son's private (read jw run) school a few years back.
Okay, let's chnage the subject ... how about Bible Students who are "famous".. lol ... actually I know of only one, and she's "retired." Charlene Fernetz is a Bible Student who's family are affliated with the Dawn Bible Students Association.
She starred with Carl Weathers in "Street Justice."