I just found this site today and it's in credible!!! www.virtualguidebooks.com
You can see awesome pics from all different areas. They're like lil movie clips they're great
Let me take you on a lil trip to some of my fav places.
Beautiful shot of South Eastern Alaska (my home state)
I grew up in Oregon, great shots of Portland, www.virtualguidebooks.com/Oregon/Portland/PortlandRiver/SteelBridgePortland.htmlwww.virtualguidebooks.com/Oregon/Portland/DowntownPortland/WaterfallParkPortland.html
Check out these pics of Silver Creek Falls, this place was only about 20 min from where I grew up and we had all kinds of picnics up there family and cong; They have a 7 mile hike around and through 7 diff waterfalls It's so beautiful!!! www.virtualguidebooks.com/Oregon/OregonCascades/SilverFalls/SilverFalls_TOC.html
Here's is Southern Oregons Famous Crater Lake, said to be the deepest lake in the world www.virtualguidebooks.com/Oregon/OregonCascades/CraterLake/CraterLakeWestSnow.html
Hawaiii whoohoooo ok starting in Kona love seawall can't tell you how many times I've walked that, this pic is also near the location where my mom broke her toe, see that hotel in the distance we stayed there several times it's the King Kamahameha (sp? just be sure to through in a lot of h's and a's ) www.virtualguidebooks.com/Hawaii/BigIsland/KailuaKona/KailuaSeawall.html
Gotta love Waikiki Beach www.virtualguidebooks.com/Hawaii/Oahu/WaikikiEast/OutriggerClubWaikiki.html
On to Maui Lahaina www.virtualguidebooks.com/Hawaii/Maui/LahainaFrontStreet/FrontStreetLahaina.html
I got my very first snow cone right here www.virtualguidebooks.com/Hawaii/Maui/LahainaFrontStreet/FrontAtLahainaluna.html
The Leleiwi Outlook on Haleakala www.virtualguidebooks.com/Hawaii/Maui/HaleakalaRoad/LeleiwiOutlook.html Well that's all I'll post for now, I'm stuck in CA's pics too many to post.
Where are your fave places????
Edited by - Venice on 17 September 2002 13:41:45
Edited by - Venice on 17 September 2002 13:44:20