Mark 6, missions of 12, sent out 2 by 2.

by kepler 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kepler

    This past Sunday I was in a church where the Gospel reading and sermon was on the above chapter. It was noted that Jesus was acknowledged as a carpenter from Nazareth. His relatives or genealogy was enumerated in a manner that, shall we say, was distinct from the manner in Matthew and Luke. But in verses from 7 to 13, the instructions to the 12 disciples were related.

    These instructions have been the gist of many discussions on this forum. For the two by two nature of the evangelism is imitated by the WTS in its door to door solicitations. Two pioneers appear at one's door with literature and inquiries. And two or more representatives from a KH will appear at one's home for instruction. I know this from being on the other end of the log. When someone I knew returned to the KH, she asked me to take instructions and I did. Short version of long story.

    But as I look at the verses in Mark, I notice

    "So they set off to proclaim repentance and they cast many devils, anointed many sick people with oil and cured them." ( 13).

    I saw periodicals with spin on the scriptures, but I saw no oils or cures.

    Any comments?

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