A Dose of Love

by Undecided 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I picked up my 17 year old granddaughter at school for my daughter who wasn't feeling well. When I got to her home and went in, Emily my little 18 month old grandaughter came over to me and I picked her up to give her a hug. She puts her head near my shoulder and snuggles up for about 2 or 3 minutes. I can feel the love she is giving me, it makes me feel so good, it's been two hours and I can still feel it.

    My daughter says she doesn't do this with anyone else, I guess she can feel my love also, not that others don't love her too. it's just something special we have. I hope she remembers this when I'm gone, I know I will never forget.

    Ken P.

  • joannadandy


    <-----giant ball of mush now

    Thank you for sharing, that's so sweet. She will remember. I remember lots of things about my grandpa, the way he gave hugs was one of them...

  • Windchaser

    This gave me a great big lump in my throat. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  • WildHorses

    Ken, don't worry, she will not forget it. I was the same way with my "papa" and I still remember it and him.


    Hey Ken,you big softie.This will be imprinted on her for life..Good for you Greatgrampa!...OUTLAW

  • Been there
    Been there


    I just love those little grandbaby hugs & lovin. I've wanted to know undecided, how are you feeling? I've been thinking about you for a couple weeks now. I hope today reminded you that you are really loved.

  • COMF

    Kewl! You wait, Ken. One of these days a kid of mine will actually reproduce, and I'll have a grandkid, too! (spoken in hopes)

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