Which should surprise no one, as hypocrites seldom do [admit anything]! The TRULY "righteous" man, however, on KNOWING that his brother "has something against" him, will "leave [his] gift at the altar, go MAKE PEACE with [his] brother, and THEN return and "offer up [his] gift." The admonition did not say that one was to do such ONLY if one AGREED with one's brother feeling of being harmed. One does not HAVE to agree, but only to make peace.
The WTBTS' continued denial of its errors, however... rather than it making ANY effort to "make peace" with those who BELIEVE they've been harmed and thus "have something against" them... shows the truth of their "fruits"... LEAVEN... which is HYPOCRISY... of which we were also admonished... to "beware".
May those that have ears hear... what the Spirit says: "Get OUT of her, my people... IF you do not wish to share in her sins and if you do not wish to receive part of her plagues!"
It is hard to believe a comment I heard this last Sunday's Watchtower Study.
Someone answered and said:
"You know back in middle 70's there were CERTAIN Witnesses who DISOBEYED the "Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" and predicted that Armageddon was going to come in the middle 70's. Then these CERTAIN Witnesses left the Organization."
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 17 September 2002 23:42:34