The Trinity: Divine or Demonic?

by Agape 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • Agape

    As a non-x-witness, what do you folks think of the concept of one God in three persons? Some of you probably still have a hard time with it, as did Raymmond Franz, former Governing Body member. Nonetheless, the claims made by the Bible itself seems conclusive enough upon close examination.

    So why do recovering JWs not question everything outright, rather than slowly, incrementally replacing doctrines. There is hardly a single issue of faith and doctrine that is reliable and trustworthy that comes from that dictatorship known as The Society.

    Why not begin the truth process by assuming every teaching and belief to be faulty unless otherwise proven sound. If a law officer catches a suspect not being truthful in any one part of his testimony, the offcer will question the validity of the suspect's entire testimony. Why any different with TWBTS?

    For many of you, it is not just one, isolated untruth or inconsistancy. In fact, once allowing yourself the first doubt, others just seemed to flow out. C.T. Russel once wrote that he found when one "who has been in the Truth" reads the Bible alone, he tends to end up believing in the very doctrines of Christendom. AMEN, Brother Russel. HELLO, anyone home? ......(pardon the sarchastic tone)

    JW's are told they have a unity, but is it not rather a comformity diquised as unity. Conversely, Christendom has for the most part been consistent on the major issues, and has formed various demoninations over disagreements about the minor issues.

    This is all to say, while the teachings and foundational beliefs of the WTBS in the short one hundred some year has not remained constant, the tenents of Christondom barely have moved over the past two thousand years.

    I encourage all of you to question every single doctrine in your belief system, not just the ones that have hit you over the head. Be "proactive" and serch out the other numerous inconsistencies and inaccuracies that you suspect may be out there. "What else is there" should be a popular question you ask yourself.

    No better place to begin than to ask who Jesus really was, and is, and is to come. That question alone has an answer that is both sufficent and necessary to be rescued from sim (ie. saved, redeemed, justified, borm again, etc.) Moreover, that is really what the scriptures as a whole are forcused on uncovering. The Deity of Christ Jesus is waiting for you. He may find you, but you need to be actively "looking" for Him.

    There are very convincing reasons to acknowledge Jesus as being more than just a mear human. Write me and ask, and I will answer in love, compassion, and humility, and yet with boldness as one who has been endowed with great tiding of joy.

    I look forward to your responses and/or questions.

    David S.

  • logical

    Actually, the WTS do teach a framework of the truth. (Romans 2:20) A part of this framework is that Jehovah is NOT a part of some made up trinity.

    The Bible is the truth. It is God's inspired word. The Bible clearly states there is only ONE God Almighty, Jehovah. The Bible clearly states not to commit idolatory (Revelation 22:9, 15) Jesus is the creation, worshipping the creation is bad in Jehovah's eyes. So worshipping Jesus is not on.

    Jesus is more than a human. Jehovah gave all authority to him, not in 1914 as the WTS teaches, but after his ressurection. But, Jesus is STILL a created being. Even putting Jesus on the same rung as God Almighty is idolatory. We have to be careful to acknowledge Jesus as exactly who he is, the SECOND highest of all creation, LOWER than Jehovah.

    If the trinity is true, why were the Israelites told to only worship Jehovah? Then later on down the line, Jehovah CHANGED and became part of a trinity? If this is the case, then you are in effect calling Jehovah a liar, for you are saying He has changed contrary to scripture, and that He lied about Himself being the Only true God Almighty.

    The trinity doctrine is a truly demonic blasphemous teaching.

  • RR

    Having examined the claims of the trinity, I have found that the Bible itself does not support the doctrine, and that it is a man made doctrine. Realize of course that the doctrine itself differs from denomination to denomination!

    The issue of a 'god-man' is so foreign to scripture, yes ... I believe it is a God dishonoring doctrine!

    Less Religion and more Jesus!

  • logical

    ooops... I said:

    We have to be careful to acknowledge Jesus as exactly who he is, the SECOND highest of all creation, LOWER than Jehovah.

    That should read:

    We have to be careful to acknowledge Jesus as exactly who he is, the SECOND highest being, the HIGHEST of all CREATION, but still LOWER than Jehovah.

  • neyank

    Hello Agape,
    Even though the WTS has proven itself to be a man made org., I do believe
    a couple of the teachings.
    According to the Bible,I find Jesus and God to be two seperate beings.
    Matt.26:39, Mark 13:32, John 17:3, John12:49, Mark14:36
    And there are other scriptures that back up the fact that Jesus and God are not the same being.
    So as far as the Trinity teaching, I do not believe it has the backing of the Bible.

  • waiting

    hello Agape,

    I've read several of your posts now - and you appear to be quite religious. May I ask if you are of a certain religion now - and that would be?

    As for the trinity doctrine - you make a good point, we should all do our homework.

    A fine poster here, Frenchy, has argued this point relentlessly here and on other forums. It is his opinion that the trinity doctrine can be successfully argued from either side of the argument. In other words, whatever we want to find in the Bible to support/not support the doctrine of the Trinity, we can find it.

    So, I think I'll remain slightly agnostic right now and continue to think and read.


  • waiting
    waiting ate my post!

    Well, anyway - howdy again, Agape.

    My disposed-of thought was that the Trinity doctrine seems to be supported and not supported at the same time in the scriptures. Trinitarians and non both seem to site excellent scriptures pro/con when referring to the trinity doctrine.

    You seem quite religious - may I ask if you are part of a religious organization now? Were you a jw and for how many years?

    As for myself, I think I'll just stay agnostic for a while - thinking and reading. I've jumped too fast in the past, and don't want to make the same mistake again. Getting too old for that stuff.


  • Agape

    This is a reply to Logical. Hope it helps.I agree Jesus is more than human, but he is certainly much better (qualitative) than the angels, for to what angels did God the Father ever say.....Col.1-2

    Jesus is Jehovah, consisting of three persons, the Son Ghost and the Father. Did the Almighty lie when he said "I alone stretched forth the heavens and the earth?" Is he wrong to say, "Aside from Me there is no other Savior, Rock, Redeemer, Holy not one!"

    OT Jehovah speaks of their unity "Come let us make man in our image." The NT delineates the persons and functions within that unity. To what angel did Jehovah ever say, "If you do not acknowledge my Son, you do not have me." We are all adopted sons, but Jesus is God from God, just as an elephant offspring would be an elephant.

    In the end, Log, your argument against the deity of Christ is in spite of your lack of understanding the concept, not because you understand so well that you can see where its logic fails. Your supposed counterpoints are just straw-man arguments, lacking any substance.

    I could not do as well a job putting forth your position as you do, but I know your position better than you know mine. For instance, if you understood (not necessarily agreed with) the reasons for our belief on this issue, you would not have asked that last question which implies that we somehow think that at one time Jehovah was not Jesus, but rather later Jehovah became a part of Jesus and the Spirit. We believe, and I'm sorry but you should know this, that Jesus said and meant that before Abraham was, "I AM". Boy, the Pharisees sure understood that direct claim to deity and hence eternal existence. Jesus is the same yesterday (eternity), today, and forever.

    It is your theology which makes man true and God a liar. Jesus is somehow Michael first, then He becomes Jesus, and then Michael once again. Of course, there is (present tense) only one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus. Not the arch angel Michael, Jesus. He took on humanity, but did not consider it robbery to retain his deity at the same time. That is certainly what the virgin birth is all about, God begetting a Son full of deity to become man.

    He created, he holds all things by his power, he can be in more than one place at one time, knows our hearts, forgives sins, shall be the Judge of mankind, has the name higher than all names, is the same Lord of Lords, King of Kings, First and the Last, Alpha and Omega, Savior, Rock, Redeemer, Holy One, that the OT Jehovah claims is only found in himself and no other, the same Jah who declares that he will never share His glory, honor and praise with any other being.

    That premise at least should nudge you to ask, how can there be more than one being that is given all those honorary names, titles and worship and not hold Jah to his monotheistic OT words?......Unless.....just maybe......the Father and the Son and the Spirit are so much one that Jehovah is not wrong to say boldly, "The Lord your God is one." "I am the Lord your God, and besides me there is no other God/Savior/Rock/Redeemer." To what creature did Jah ever encourage us to repose our ultimate trust and faith, to the point of heeding Jesus' plea "Come to me, those who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest?"

    If, in the end, I am wrong to give Jesus such high elevation and esteem, then I will submit to you that there is greater danger in not giving Him enough than in giving Him too much. "IF YOU DO NOT HONOR ME, THEN I WILL NOT HONOR YOU TO MY FATHER IN HEAVEN" I'm sure if Jah shares his names and honor and glory with the other two, yet says in the OT he would not give such to any other creature, surely Jesus IS Jehovah, and not some infinitely lowly creature (as compared to the Almighty)

    Somehow, "In the name of the infinite Father, and of the created angel/man/angel mortal, and the powerful electric (?) force that you should be careful not to hurt its feelings, Amen and Amen" just does not seem to cut it.

    I dare say, if you allowed yourself to be indwelled by the Spirit that cares about you and loves you, He would see to it that you know the truth about these issue and all the rest. Crafty lies are at work here, admittedly in either you or I. But I know that my rejection of your, and my attachment to these orthodox views, is done so only after really studying and understanding WHY you believe as you do-- the support and rationale for those interpretations. Only then could I say, both by process of elimination and by attraction of the Holy Spirit (not Satan, I believe), that "here I stand. I can do no other", as Martin Luther did.

    There is an old book, written by an man named Henry Bickersteath, simply called The Trinity, in which he sets forth the logic for this oft misunderstood doctrine. He wrote it because there was an uprising of "cult" activity under the name of Unitarians in Britain, and he had a broken heart for these people.

    If you would like to if nothing else know how to better defend and/or share your personal beliefs, you will not regret reading this book. The outline is simple.

    That in the O and NT alike, the Bible:

    forbids us to trust in any created being
    delineates the infinite gap betwixt the created and the Creator
    describes the awful jealousy that consumes the Almighty regarding his names, his praise and worship, and glory
    commands that Jesus be trusted with our very lives and souls
    declares Jesus higher than the angels, that he be called the sacred names of God, do the things that only God could do,
    and that he be honored as only God should be.

    I do this from memory, but let the book speak for itself. I have read scores of "your'" and others' books, and they only strengthen my beliefs, not because I twist their meaning, but rather because I accurately understand the foundations for those tightly-held beliefs. An implosion of an old building requires study of its foundations and well-place charges. You know where I'm headed with that. Lastly, it is a sign of respect to learn your enemy. Jesus was good at listening, and it disarmed those who would otherwise be defensive. Patton studied Rommel's books on tank tactics and was he ever glad he did.

    Jesus knew Satan very well and, arguably, could therefore be wise to some of the wiley schemes that were thrown His way. If you are right, you are going to need to know a lot more of my position to reason me out of it. And if I am wrong I need YOU to bone up on these things!!! Likewise, I have you at the heart of this present endeavor. I pray that you will come to regard the name of Jesus as the name above all names, without parenthetical interjection (i.e.. no "all other" insertions).

    I love you because I should, because He loved me first, and because He loves you...So under some of that intensity of yours is a (relatively) good and earnest person that is worth every effort this humble vessel can put forth. So it is with agape love that hopefully permeates this treatise that I sign

    Respectfully Yours-

    David Solberg
    [email protected].

  • perfectpie

    The biggest problem I have with the trinity is putting lables on my faith. The trinity; what is that! Yes I am drawn to the unity of God and Jesus, and see the effects of the Holy spirit, and can see the inter workings of the three; but the trinity? There is so much in the Bible to work over and be convicted of but why throw in ideas that only lead to debates and divisions like "The Trinity". I don't have any problems with anyone else using that but the Bibles wording works fine for me. There were many new ideas that spread after the time Jesus was on Earth, John as a conclusion to the faith wrote a simple letter showing the clear, lucid thinking that would lead to salvation, to these I hold onto. "Who is the one that conquers the world but he who has faith that Jesus is the son of God?" 1 John 5:5
    May the Peace of God excel everyones thoughts. Chow

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