May you all have peace... and may I respond to the LIE that is perpetuated in the "Society's" statement in this regard? Thank you!
First, I have been directed by my Lord to quote them, verbatim, so as to remove ANY doubt as to their position. Thus, according to Page 219 of the "Proclaimer's Book", the WTBTS makes reference to a Resolution "suggested" by June 15, 1938, Watchtower, that: "We, the company of God's people taken out for his name, and now at ______________________, recognize that God's government is a pure theocracy and that Christ Jesus is at the temple and in full charge and control of the VISIBLE organization of Jehovah, as well as the invisible, and that 'THE SOCIETY' is the visible representative of the Lord on earth..."
(Proclaimer's Book, page 219)
The PROBLEM with this statement is that TRUE christians were told to keep their eyes "on the things UNSEEN, rather than the things seen," and admonished regarding those who "have their minds on the things upon the earth." Why? Because... THE LAST VISIBLEREPRESENTATION OF THE LORD... OR OF GOD... WAS THE TEMPLE AT JERUSALEM!!... which was DESTROYED in 70 CE after having already been REPLACED in 30 CE by a temple "not made with hands", but consisting of LIVING "stones!" 1 Corinthians 3:16 Ephesians 3:19-21
Thus, there IS no 'visible' representative of God... or my Lord... on earth. The fact ANY who proved to be the 'faithful slave' was like my Lord, ALSO to be... DISCREET! For my Lord, although the only--begotten Son of God and thus, the RIGHTFUL heir, even when they WANTED to make him king... went off... and hid himself. For his kingdom... was NO PART of THIS world! Nor was his mind "on the things of the earth"... OR his treasures... "stored up"... here!
In contrast, the WTBTS not only teaches life everlasting here on earth... in the FLESH (which if of NO use at all!)... OUTSIDE of New Jerusalem (where the "DOGS" are!)... but "stores up treasures" here... in the form of vast real estate holdings... on a DAILY basis!
Revelation 21:15 John 6:63
Why is this? Because they ARE the "scribes and Pharisees"... the HYPOCRITES... of whose "leaven" we were TOLD to "beware".
May those that have ears to hear... HEAR what the Spirit says!
"Get OUT of her, my people... IF you do not wish to share in her sins, and IF you do not wish to receive part of her plagues!"
A true servant to the Household of God that is Israel, and ALL those that go with them, as well as a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,