The thread on male angels made me remember something about many of the pictures on and in the "Awake!" and "Watchtower" dog-patch mags. Whenever men were bare-chested(artist depictions), they had no nipples. Totally nipple free. Was it considered sexual? I had forgotten about this...perhaps you guys can remember this one...
What was the deal with the absent nipples???
by DanielHaase 1 Replies latest jw friends
If nipples had been included in the drawings, young dub girls would've loudly asked "Do boys have them too?" during the book study or something. This, of course, would get them thinking about the creature and not the Creator, as well as disrupt the study. And there was always the chance of an older sister losing it completely upon hearing the question. Can't have that.
Obviously dubs never went to the public swimming pools--one, it was interfaith. Two, all that bare flesh would put impure thoughts in the little
drone'spublisher's minds. Imagine a 14 year old girl, 5'2", 85#, and with a 34 inch bustline and the effect she'd have on a repressed dub male. Three, why weren't they out hitting the doors?So it would appear there were sound theocratic reasons to hide parts of Jehovah's creation for the benefit of His little ones. And financial ones. Who could turn down an eight year old child placing an Awake! magazine on your front porch? But placing them at the pool?
Angels are, of course, sexless. Which is why the GB will go to Heaven and be sexless. Fitting punishment for all the other people's sex they ruined while on Earth.