how many people are expected to show up for that march? if there are gonna be only about 10 people it will be rather a victory for the WT
march sep. 27
by Realist 8 Replies latest jw friends
10 people showing up and 35,856 stating that "we'll be there with you - in spirit ........ but, eh, arh - unfortunately, I'll have to go shopping that very moment!"
Something like that you fear?
yes something like that
With all due respect - The amount of people at the March is irrelevant - What's relevant is the pressure and continued pressure from the March and other sources. It takes outside pressure for just about any organization to change policy. What makes this movement already successful is the fact that thousands of victims are realizing that they are not alone, and they are not wrong for feeling violated.
Most movements initially start out small and generates momentum. This March is definitely a catalysis for change in the BORG's un-civil policies and practices. Silentlambs today, the blood issue, D'fing, etc. the next time.
For the folks that will come, it will be a very liberating experience to finally put into action our disapproval for the wrongs committed by the BORG - not doing anything, on any level, amounts to consent.
For the folks that can't make it - Their 'behind the scenes' efforts is greatly needed and appreciated. The media attention from around the world has already has made a significant impact.
On the other hand - To try and discredit a movement the media will highlight the lack of people at a protest, as if that is a measure of success. Granted it may look good to have thousands, but the success in the movement is the ramification or in this case the 'lamb'ification of the March. How many Dubs will 'open their eyes' to the ignorant and harmful practices of the BORG? How many victims and Ex-Dubs will feel better about themselves? How many lives would be save from this protest?
So from the efforts already demonstrated from the Silentlambs movement I think the March is a success before it even starts.
Peace - LL
There'll be more than 10, don't you worry, Realist!
BTW -- are YOU coming?
My guess that there will be at least 50. But as Larry pointed out the numbers don't matter. I have noticed that there have been meetings of only two in front of a local Kingdom Hall, but the media was there and the event got in the local newspaper and the tv news cast.
As long as the media is there and you get their attention (media), it doesn't matter if only 10 or 30 or 50 persons will be at the march. The presence of the media is what matters to convey to the whole world about what the WTS is... a Corrupt Corporation that damages and destroys lives.
Hi Realist: You can add two more "heads" who will be at the silentlambs March!!!
1. Laurie Fitzwater (MUCHO THANKS to DakotaRed for making provision for Laurie to be able to go!!!)
2. Yours truly, GRITS, is going too. (who couldn't resist with those Spirit Airline syber-special prices and hotel room @ Pan Am)
Dan Fitzwater Story, as told by Laurie:
Last I heard via the Silentlambs_March yahoogroup, there was 60 and that was from two weeks ago. I betcha there's more now! And you can compare notes at these two threads of people who are going: you guys in The Big Apple @ Pierrepont Place & Columbia Heights! YAHOO!!!!
i hope there will be as many of you guys as possbile!!!
by the way..if i wouldn't be in europe i would show up too!