AM I the only person in the whole wide world that is having to have to put up with this crap..the worst lasting 8 months now...supposed to now have in to pick up today special diabetic shoes and very costly socks as well...DOC wants me in the hospital but all the frigin hospitals are full to capacity and a waiting time of 3 or more days sooo I am waiting it out here (my preferance)...PAIN - PAIN and a few oches to [email protected] e-mail me privately if anyone wants to share or just cry your eyes out I know sometimes I feel like crying or just feeling sorry for myself now and then or have someone hold my hand through the whole ordeal.XOXO ((((HUGS))) QUEENIE
DIABETIC BLISTERS and edema that goes with it !!
by QUEENIE 5 Replies latest social physical
Sorry, dear.
I tried to email you but you inserted the "boot" and it was returned......I have to work now, so will try and address you later.
GOT THE ORTHOPEDIC SHOES AND SOCKS FRIDAY..Gota wear the socks all day and remove when I go to bed...THERE is a lot of PAIN that goes along with it and I guess that is why I take pain reliever along with all the other medication I take..TODAY IS SAT..have a good day and(((((((hugs))))))) queenie
queenie,,,,i think health problems take so much out of a person....being diabetic is a life time,,,
chronic situation....affects your whole system....try to hang in there,,,,thinking of you and sending
I WILL DO MY DAMNEST...I AM ALSO A EPILEPTIC (SEIZURES) FROM A 1996 STROKE soooo I take lots of pills...I am into taking one day at a time..LISA is trying to talk me into going to the picture show LINE DANCING is out for the moment :) thnks UGG for the hugs they are very much appreciated.. A LOT OF TIMES I ASK MYSELF WY ME??? WASNT IT ENOUGH TO HAVE ARTHRITIS obviously it was not..noW all this and I shouldnt be depressed?? My diabetic IS treated by diet BUT that does not keep me from having blisters..LISA is sleeping in as late as she I do not belong to or attend any church as I am burned out mentally and emotionally by beng a JW for 40 yrs..I think I will post soon all about my BEST FRIEND AND DOG SKIPPY from AGE 4 TO MY SR. YR IN HIGH SCHOOL whrn HE DIED AND WENT TO DOGGY HEAVEN...QUEENIE mamie kitty is the ray of sunshine in our lives..MEOW she is hungry PEACE