I had some pretty big batles with You Know on this topic, especially derivitives, back in the H20 days and some here on JWD.
Derivitives are counted on every transaction that takes place when it involves international exchanges. If I drive across the border to Canada and buy $20 of gasoline on my credit card, the exchange transaction will look like $40 because it is counted twice, once through the Canadian bank and then again through the American bank and then more will be added because of the exchange rate change ... Derivitives are counted going up and going down as well. The 1.5 to 2.0 Trillion Derivite market is about right for a daily worldwide economy. Added to this are international trades, paper trades, etc. etc. etc. ... it is an enourmous market and the bigger it gets the better. I could never get You Know to understand this.
Japan's economy has been on the fritz for about ten years. Post WWII their economy was in the tank, and only with American help did it recover and then Japan eventually outpaced the USA ... that is until the early 1990s ... Japan has been in the tank like the rest of the Pacific Rim nations ...
Interest rates ... while the American economy reboomed after the Reagan boom ... not because of Reagan or Bush sr. or Clinton ... for American Presidents don't do much one way or the other ... our American economy boomed because of foreign investment ... the huge cash infusion came as a result of Pacific Rim nations, like Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc. dumping liquid capital into the USA because their own nations were bottomed out and unstable ... the extra cash drove down interest rates in the USA and that is why we are enjoying the lowest rates in over 40 years.
Will there ever be economic collapse? Could be, as there has been depressions every 30 years, or if skipped then a major Great Depression about every 60 years ... we are due for a Great Depression which should have happened in the 1990s and did not. I am not too worried about it, whether it happens or not.
Gold is still at serious lows compared to the 1970s when it hit about $1,000.00 per ounce and Silver was just over $50 per ounce. When President Nixon finally closed the gold winder at the Federal Reserve, then Gold soared frm $35 / ounce, the official rate to about $350 / ounce where it should have been. It went on up to its high of about $1,000 and then bounced around down and up and down ... so today's rate at about $325 / ounce is damn good.
Bankruptcies: So what? Big deal? No. It is part of the normal shake down that happens. During times of change, the economy will grow with new products and competing services ... as things settle down, the competition will force many companies out of business ... and after the shake down, new opportunities and resurgence of growth will happen again ... it is normal.
Preaching Doom and Gloom: Frankly, I hope that we have a shake down so we can get past the doom and gloom that has been preached for over 20 years ... I recall the preaching of doom and gloom during the 1960s boom ... and eventually in the early 1970s we tanked out with the Nixon-Gold issue and the gas price hikes ... and Jehovah's Witnesses were running amuck with vows that Armegeddon would be here by 1975 ... and now, here we are talking about it ... and in a couple of decades our grandchildren will be sitting around talking about the same goddamn thing ... ...