Matthew 24:45 "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time?" These words were written and completed by 41 C.E. This is after the outpouring of the holy spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E. If the claims that this slave operated and dispensed food in the first century, such as the decision at Acts 15 concerning blood and fornication , (Acts 15:28,29, Acts being completed in 61 C.E. 20 yrs. after Jesus' comment concerning the "slave") would it not stand to reason that this governing body or slave would have overseen the rest of the letters written by the apostles until their completion in 96 C.E.?
faithful and discreet slave
by PRETENDER 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A Paduan
It is easily seen that what the wtbts endeavours to be discreet about is the business of 'their' master - lying, false promises, false prophecy and abuse.
What they heartily endeavour not to be discreet about, indeed make a show of, is the preaching.
Ah, but is the FDS actually described as discreet or discrete?
The 2 words have different meanings, after all.
Well my bible describes FDS as discreet. Does discrete differ in meaning?
RSVP thx
There is a remarkable difference indeed, I suggest that most JW's don't have a clue as to what either rendition actually means. Here's the meanings, Oxford Dictionary-wise:
Discreet /adj 1.showing caution and good judgement in what one does, not giving away secrets.2 unobtrusive.
Discrete /adj. separate, individually distinct; discontinuous.
Maybe one of the pro-witness bods who post here can advise us.
I mean, they're all of the annointed aren't they! LOL.
Hi Pretender,
I agree with your point, in my opinion this is another hole in their beliefs.