Sabbat of Mabon - 22nd September

by Sirona 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    The Autumnal Equinox

    T he Celtic festival of Mabon occurs around September 22nd. Our Mother Earth is poised with the sun in time and space - a moment of balance. The hours of light and dark are equal for the second time in our year's Wheel.

    K nown as the Autumnal Equinox, this pivotal day stirs our regret for the things left unfinished, the trips not taken, the opportunities missed. The dwindling warm afternoons become small gifts of grace, as we witness the first touches of gold, the burnished beauty of the Crone's alchemy.

    W hat have you left unfinished?
    W hat words do you need to say someone?

    T ime is changing us, in its ever winding spiral. We need to cherish each moment now - each warm afternoon, each lingering walk in honeyed sunlight. The harvest season is a bittersweet time of fruition - as we look back upon our labors, and evaluate our spiritual witchy path.

    A re we satisfied with our efforts?

    H ave we nurtured our year's intentions?

    H ave we honored Spirit this year?

    H ave we lived in accordance with our convictions?

    Mabons Lesson
    The Bitter and the Sweet

    M abons lesson is the lesson of letting go: the earth is still in a single breath - day and night are equal only for a heartbeat. As witches, we pause and examine our seasons past. We know in our own heart of hearts that it is time to let go of old beliefs, limitations and outdated agendas, time to reexamine our ethics, and search our soul's true intention . . .

    Mabon is the time
    to let go of outward movement and expansion -
    to begin moving inward, taking stock . . .

    The sun is now dying, retreating, and daylight shortens rapidly. The Goddess mother has lost her son. The Goddess lover, her consort. As he begins to fade from her arms, our Goddess selves lament with her.

    As Mabon's second harvest spills seed to the ground, we honor the Sun God's sacrifice by celebrating our abundance - the many gifts of the Mother Earth. We gather in joy to share this harvest of fruits and vegetables, canny that the icy fingers of winter are not far off. It is a time for enjoying the fruits of our summer labors, a time for feasting and thanksgiving. The Great Goddess and God have been good to us.

    Edited by - Sirona on 22 September 2002 15:27:38

  • rocky220

    Sirona....thank you for this article you have truly warmed my heart, I too, have pursued the knowledge of Wicca and other Earth Religions, seeking the truth denied to me by WT teachings.......Blessed Be, rocky220

  • kenpodragon

    There are many online! ;) Although, I kind of mix Wicca and Shamanism.

    Take Care


  • gsx1138

    I can't believe my Pagan Daybook doesn't have this listed. Thank you Sirona!!!

    I mix Wicca and Skepticism...hmmm, is that possible? Why yes it is.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Thank you for posting this. I'm still investigating things, but the more I read, the more I appreciate it.

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