can anyone give a country or list of country's were the wt magazines are still sold for cash and have a price on them......john
country,s were the wt is still sold for $
by johnny cip 4 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't it wherever the Tax system hasn't wised on to the fact that they are selling things and making a profit?
Edited by - Simon on 23 September 2002 2:13:49
johnny cip
yes simon ;;you are correct but i use that fact in my witnessing to jw's you know in the U>S> they said in 1991 that the wt got new light not to sell the mags. i know it took 10 years for the light to reach australia. i like to make a point that god feels different in other countrys. i would love to get new mag's with a price on them and throw them in my dads face..or at least a list of nations. i tried calling the wt and offered to make a donation to pay for mags in countrys that still charge..but they never called me back??????john
Good question! I still can't seem to quite figure it all out. People say that a great deal of money is made from 'publishing', but if most or all countries give the magazines away, where does the money come from?? Members themselves, 'voluntary' our country, the magazines are given away and due to the economic situation, I seriously doubt the average member can afford to pay for his/her material.
Publishers are "encouraged" to pay for the literature when they pick it up. As I recall, the "encouragement" that I received was an ugly look from an elder if I did not put an appropriate amount of money in the
payment"contribution" box.