Active JW Sites

by pettygrudger 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    In the last few months, I have seen a huge increase in the amount of public JW sites. Has the org. changed their policy on this type of internet connecting, or are their just more & more people ignoring the societies recommendations. I've noticed that alot of these sites are now "public" and anyone can get in...

    Also, whatever happened to the great crowd chat board.....I can't seem to find it anywhere & I loved those lil ole biddies!

  • DJ

    Hi Petty:

    I'm feelin' lazy today..not enough sleep....would you mind listing a couple of these public sites? Sorry, I don't know the answer to question about the great crowd chat. Thanks! love, dj

  • heathen

    someone posted the kingdom ministery news letters for this year and one of them said that the org. didn't want their flock to use the internet other than the official web site .

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