Response From The White House

by Larry 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    I sent the President, VIce President, US Senators, and the NY City Council an e-mail regarding the Silentlamb issue and the March on the 27th. Here's the response from the White House - It's a generic response, but at least we can say 'they got a witness'

    Thank you for emailing President Bush. Your ideas an comments are very important to him.

    For up-to-date information about the President and his policies, please check the White House web site at

    Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staff considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns.

    Again, thank you for your email. Your interest in the work of President Bush and his administration is appreciated.


    The White House Office of E-Correspondence


    Please Note:

    If the subject of your email was a request for a Presidential greeting, please note that all greeting requests must be submitted in writing to the following address:

    The White House

    Attn: Greetings Office

    Room 39

    Washington, D.C. 20502-0039

    Please review the guidelines carefully before mailing your request to the White House. The guidelines are accessible at:

  • stichione

    Good try nevertheless!

  • DJ

    Wow Larry, that's awful I'm sorry. A for effort, dude! Next time maybe try signing your name, Saddam. love, DJ

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