Look what I found.

by Monster 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Monster

    Just last night I tried to talk with my sister about things going on with the jws, she gave me a book (a jw book) of course, that says the "worlds religions" are going to receive god's judgment against them. The book is called 'ISAIAH'S PROPHECY" I went on line to do research and found this place. Now what's really interresting to me about this is; this man (a jw) has used the same scriptures the jws used against christendom churches, to kick the witnesses asses with. I pasted a little of it.

    Over the many years that the Watchtower has been teaching Jehovah's Witnesses God's Word, the overwhelming tendency has been to cast ourselves in the best possible light by applying all of Jehovah's scathing rebuke to Christendom, and all of the positive aspects of prophecies to ourselves.

    True anyone who knows Jws, know they are notorious for saying god will destroy all other relgions except theirs.

    Because we have no doctrinal basis for anticipating Jehovah's coming judgments, it is as if we are trying to find our repose on a couch that's just too short to stretch out upon, and we are trying to wrap ourselves with a sheet that's too narrow to cover us completely. Consequently, we have made ourselves even more deserving of God's reprimand.

    As an example, the Watchtower Society would never assent to applying the prophecies of Isaiah's 28 th and 29 th chapters to Jehovah's Witnesses, yet there is every reason that we should humbly do so. Consider the not-so-flattering description of Ephraim in the first few verses of the 28 th chapter of Isaiah. "Woe to the eminent crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, and the fading blossom of its decoration of beauty that is upon the head of the fertile valley of those overpowered with wine!"

    Naturally we imagine that this is describing Christendom, but is it? If the above verse applies to the corrupt denominations of Christendom, then we must conclude that at one time Christendom stood before God as a beautiful floral decoration, which has now become wilted and lost its beauty. That doesn't seem reasonable. Ah, but spiritual Israel did indeed have a glorious beginning in the 1 st century, just as did physical Israel when it came into the decorative Promised Land. But, the question is what will be the condition of Jehovah's spiritual nation when God makes his inspection of it at the close of the Christian era? Well, that seems to be what Isaiah is describing.

    We, who have chided Christendom for her dwindling numbers, must acknowledge that many churches have experienced a revival. Instead of 's religious waters of support drying up, it is we who must reckon with low meeting attendance and a public that no longer responds to our not-so-urgent-as-before kingdom message. Inasmuch as Jehovah's Witnesses used to gloat over Christendom's corrupt condition, in recent years it is we who have been forced to acknowledge that our own house is not in order.

    And it gets better check this out

    We even immodestly refer to ourselves as "Jehovah's clean people" in spite of the well-known fact that every year tens of thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses are disciplined as immoral fornicators, while countless others live double lives.


    Jehovah's depiction of his own people as spiritual drunkards is an accurate one. The very fact that we are spiritually drunk inhibits us from grasping God's judgment of ourselves. That's because an inebriated person cannot reason very well. ..................The Watchtower is intoxicated with the power of God in that we administer his judgments against everyone but ourselves. That's why God says: "Linger, you men, and be amazed; blind yourselves, and be blinded. They have become intoxicated, but not with wine; they have moved unsteadily, but not because of intoxicating liquor." (Isaiah 29:9)

    In our pronouncing this judgment against Christendom, we have inadvertently judged ourselves. No wonder God says the following of even the faithful ones: "And these also---because of wine they have gone astray and because of intoxicating liquor they have wandered about. Priest and prophet---they have gone astray because of intoxicating liquor, they have become confused as a result of wine, they have wandered about as a result of the intoxicating liquor; they have gone astray in their seeing, they have reeled as to decision. For the tables themselves have all become full of filthy vomit---there is no place without it." (Isaiah 28:7)

    This is cold.

    Our own faithful slave, while boasting of serving God's people nothing but the finest spiritual food, has unknowingly presented upon Jehovah's spiritual table dishes of disgusting vomit.

    Now that's nasty LOL

    I am printing this out just to show my know-it-all-holy little sister.

    Sorry I couldn't put the link in, I don't know how to do that. maybe one of you can tell me. The site is called "The Watchman"

    Peace james.

  • kelsey007

    I have been posting something similar to that for a while: Ez. chapter 34 states it very clearly when Ezekial was commanded to prophecy against God's shephards!

  • jgnat

    Monster, you are driving me crazy! Are you talking about http://www.watchman.org ? Who was the author? What was the title of the article? This is not the WTS any more. I need references!

    Thanks, and I agree that the article is very well written.

  • Monster
    jgnat Monster, you are driving me crazy! Are you talking about http://www.watchman.org

    LOL Jgnat, that's the name of the site. I don't know how to post the link but I see you got it. BTW There's much more on there.

    Ezekial was commanded to prophecy against God's shephards! kelsey007

    This is my first time ever hearing a jw say something like that. That's why I can't wait to see my little sister :)

    Peace James.

  • Monster

    Oh yeah jgnat, I don't know who the owner is it's my first time coming across it.

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