Sorry if this is a bit of a bummer, folks, but I am feeling really down about this and had to post. I took my life in my hands and checked out, initially to find out what the go was regarding the Sarah as Satan posts and the Patronus spell lion ( although I was nearly crying with LAUGHTER when I real THAT all along the watchtower (spiritualist Harry Potter reading) flash of writing department madness, well the posts about it anyway.
Anyway what made me feel so bad was something about being good to full time long term service the caleb and sophia section for gods sake! It was this sad picture of two elderly publishers ( god what a word! Fucking publishing company) posed next to their happy younger selves. It was jusy the utter SADNESS, EMPTY YAWNING DEPRESSION at the thoughts of thousands of tender hearted, gentle souls who sacrifice their whole lives to a money making pyramid company - for the sake of love of their fellow man. Ok maybe they get a decent marriage out of it which many self centered worldly types don't.
Will I get a lot of amgry responses?
I saw the heartbreaking post by the in JW who watched a df'd, sincere young man hauled over hot coals by the w@#*y elders till he couln't take anymore and skiddadled. It saddened me beyond belief and I posted a reply which messed up. It was about the no of people we dont hear about, the ones whoose self esteem is so low because they 'miss the mark'(as my spiritual mother never tired of telling me) that they spend the rest of their (often short)life in self destruct. The ones who go from "the book" to Bedlam (or prison or rehab). Yes I hate the org that does this but I love the people, good good people, who have given their lives over to what they see as the highest calling. Not always, but sometimes, the very best folk you will ever meet, particularly pre internet age. Sorry to blather but just feelin' sad today- not my usual cynical self. So to all you lurkers out there, you ARE appreciated..and I am aware that some are suckered in because they have a BIG HEART. Just remember, education is ALWAYS the answer and never trust anything that denegrates an education.