Tonights news has made me think even harder about baptising minors. It's one thing to hold adults accountable for breaking WT rules, but it's not right to subject kids to the harshness of shunning for doing what their parents encouraged them to do - get baptised. When ever my kids screw up, I'm not that thrilled but I ultimately blame myself for my inadequate parenting - and yes I've been fairly inadequate at times. Jehovah's Witnesses must be the only religion that expects their kids to always get it right. And if they don't, blame it entirely on them and make them suffer the humiliation of shunning just to rub their noses in it. It really is quite unrealistic to expect young people to never make serious errors of judgement. Surely this is another good reason not to baptise anyone before the age of 21, if not 25. Any parent whose child does something serious enough to be disfellowshipped needs to take a good hard look at themselves and their inadequacies.