I TURNED 56 this last birthday but I still remember SKIPPY -- he has been in doggy heaven so I believe for 40 years. HE came to live with us as A WIGGLY PUPPY newly weaned of 6 weeks old AND LINDA was only 4-1/2 HUMAN YEARS OLD..HE WAS A CUTE FOX TERRIER and like I said he was MY FRIEND my best friend till HE passed away at 12 yrs old and I was a Senior in high school..I sat with him just him and I holding his dear Sweet paw in my human hand -- until he drew his last breathe hard to catch one at that as he had pneumonia..HE was there 4 me always---he was there when I got home from school except 4 times he got out of the yard and made his rounds visiting all his girl dog friends but he made up for it CUZ on the weekends he definately was there when I got back from going out in that forced door to door group activity there wa no one in the B.S. group I was thrilled to be with except one little girl 9 years younger named DONNA F. I liked playing with her and sometimes GOT invited over to their house and/or out to eat BY her MOM PAT..DONNA was Dfd when she was 16 and now 38 yrs later she is still dfd and we are still in touch..I always was jealous of SKIPPY HE DID NOT HAVE TO GO TO MEETINGS / ASSEMBLIES OR OUT IN DOOR TO DOOR with the group..I would have loved to spend all those hours with my dog and my best friend SKIPPY.. WHEN I do my booklet I will tell much more about SKIPPY--this is just to wet your interest and want a copy of it...AND until then (((((((((HEALING HUGS))))))) QUEENIE
by QUEENIE 7 Replies latest jw experiences
((((((((((((((Queenie)))))))))))))))) He knew.
Did you ever see the movie, "My Dog Skip"?
I thought Skippy was a kangaroo?
As in "Whats black and crispy and jumps through a forest in Australia? Skippy after a bushfire."
MY DOG SKIPPY was a dog MINE my best and truest of lovng friends...I have had other DOGS but there was never another SKIPPY...queenie
HEY POPE R U THE REAL POPE or just a stand in ??? Queenie
Country Girl
I had a dog like this in real life. I remember the story of "My Dog Skip" as told by Morris in the book of the same name.. and the movie. His name was "black dog." Real creative name, right? He was a black Labrador. Ever since I had him, I have *always* loved Labradors. They are just so.. so... loving. I was driving through a new subdivision near my house to check out the houses, and he just tumbled into the road. I jammed on my brakes and got out to see if I hit him. He was just laying there and when he saw me he immediately got up and started licking my shoe. There was no houses around, so I just picked him up and took him home. He caused lots of problems between my husband and I because my husband doesn't like dogs. But I liked the little feller. I put a note on the bulletin board at the store down the street, but no takers. He had a cropped tail, so it was certain that he had a human that at one time he was bonded to, where veterinary intervention was used. He ate up the wires under my new truck; he laid in my flower beds and dug holes in my garden. Never a day went by when there wasn't a new destruction by Black Dog. Wires eaten, pipes busted, whatever. My husband was very upset when he did all those bad things.. but I just continued to get more and more mesmerized by him as time went on. He LOVED to swim, so he would run around the haystacks, bark at the horses, nip at a few of their heels, and then just HURL himself into the stock pond. His joy was so oblivious and so full of abandon that one could not HELP but being inspired by it. I took pictures of him, constantly. He was just so beautiful in his unfettered joie d'vivre. He had a love for life that has never been matched. I wish I could have captured his spirit and lived it with him. I got to live through it vicariously.
I went on vacation with my son for one week, leaving husband to feed him. My husband said he was around the house sulking when my son and I were gone. On the last day before the end of our vacation he turned up missing. I put out flyers everywhere, and never found my canine friend. I wonder whatever happened to him. I miss him still. I think about him all the time, and that little spot in my life where I viewed the world through *his* eyes.
Country Girl
I think you answered your own question.
I went on vacation with my son for one week, leaving husband to feed him
Men can be such idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!