The Watchtower way is to take a position such as: the moon is made of green cheese. Whether true or not, whether valid or not... the Watchtower goes on to give that STATED POSITION the full weight of its ecclesiastical authority.
The Watchtower, from then on, will build its case on the STATED POSITION. Regardless of whatever information comes out that was previously unavailable, the Watchtower holds to its STATED POSITION. It will denounce all research that counters it's POSITION, regardless of the source, and tout all else. Period.
Not just that. It will then demand every single one of its adherents to do the same, even if a scattering of them have seen, understood, and come to fully believe the evidence--right in front of them--evidence that is contrary to the STATED POSITION.
The reason it does all this is because it claims to speak for god. The creator. Although they admit to being un-inspired, they are still, conversely... weirdly, unexplainably (somehow) infallible. Like Him. A thimbleful of those who've ever lived insist on calling HIM "Jehovah."
A second approach to truth is the scientific.
Scientists, genuine truth seekers, might start off saying what the first group did: the moon is made of green cheese.
It's from here that the two groups are seen to be most different and immediately begin to diverge.
That's because here, with the INITIAL STATEMENT only as a starting point, genuine truth seekers commence to search for, gather, and examine EVIDENCE. They hope to either confirm or disprove their INITIAL STATEMENT. The INITIAL STATEMENT is irrelevant since truth, the ultimate goal, is far more important than the INITIAL STATEMENT. The position taken at the outset was always only a starting point... a first step on the journey t'wards the goal: truth.
Genuine truth seekers are free to discard previously held beliefs that have been proven wrong -- not in harmony with verifiable facts. They can do this because they have no STATED POSITION to defend at all costs. They can go with the incoming flow of increased knowledge because that's what they've meant to do all along.
That's how it is in the real world, in JW world, and on these boards.
... like...
... that.