Quotes writes:
From the story:
Church lawyer Colin Stevenson was challenging the woman's first-day testimony on the stand when she began crying.
"If you don't accept (the woman's) recollection you end up in a situation where you have to question seriously all her recollections," he said.
Interesting to see the gyrations the defence is using. The above quote implies that they are questioning whether or not Vicki was molested. Seems like they have forgot that during their opening statements they said that they were not questioning whether or not she was abused. They are snakes, but then again, that is what def. is supposed to do.... even if it tears apart the Plaintiff.
But yet, even though her father ADMITTED to molesting her, they are more willing to take the word of a confessed child molester who claims "it wasn't as bad as she is making it out to be", than to accept the victim's word.
I guess it's all a matter of perception, isn't it?? When Gower Palmer says something like "It wasn't as bad as she's making it out to be" he's speaking from the perspective of an INCESTUOUS PERVERT who GOT HIS JOLLIES from what he did to her. Of course "it wasn't as bad" to HIM.
I wonder how he'd feel about it if HE were on the receiving end of what he did to his daughter, at the hands of a much bigger, much older, hairier and scarier guy? It's really too bad that pedophiles have "rights" in this country, and that punishing them by doing to them what they have done to their victims is considered "cruel and unusual punishment".
Love, Scully