Help , half my brain is missing!
Where has it gone, well it's still there it just that it filled with 27 years of watchtower crap and i've got nowhere to put it, after all I can't take it out and put it in a jar, without some serious side effects.
Just hope I've got enought brian left to take me through the rest of my life.
But seriously(ahem) how does being fed seriously mind bending "facts' for all your life , from a little baby,effect our brains, and the way we carry on to think for the rest of our lives?Does our brian find a way to ciurcumnavigate round the things it no longer needs?And does any extra effort we would need "forget' our past hinder the performance of our minds?Is this what a mental breakdown is, where our brain can no longer cope and crashes like a dogy computer?I wonder.
(Ok I admit it, I had only half a brian to start with)