Did Jehovah's Witnesses choose the name "Kingdom Hall" just to be "different"? It's certainly not a biblical name. Would "synagogue" be more biblical? (And certainly different enough, I'd think.) Thanks to any who can provide information on this.
Name "Kingdom Hall" not biblical
by Ephanyminitas 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here's a discussion we had about this not too long ago.
Doing a search may help you not eat up your 2 threads a day limit so quickly.
Years ago I asked my JW father about the Biblical meeting places. I asked why to be considered a Christian is to do as Jesus did and why JW's say Witnesses are to do as Jesus did and go door to door but are not to go Synagog to Synagog like Jesus and Paul both did.
To do as Jesus did would requiring JW's all to be Jews and make yearly pilgrimages to Jerusalem, practice Judaism, and travel with 12 unemployed men.
He just grunted.
I wanted to ask him about the Biblical view of slavery:-) but I decided not to confuse him any more than he already is.
gb -
Thank you Mama Star.
Hey Star, did you know that Epha is also in your neck of the woods? I knew him as a little boy in the congo we were in in Houston!!!
Now, Epha, I agree, save your posts for those hillarious pics your posted on your other thread
It's way to weird to hear you say you know Eph. You have no idea how well I know him!!
Yes, I do forget about that two-new-threads-per-day limit. Of course, if I get more "magazines," I can always just reply. I can do that as often as I want. Thanks, Star, for the link. I'll check it out. I actually thought of the idea to do a search, but I'm thinking, "What the heck do I search for?" So again, thanks! ^_^
Me thinks King Dumb Hall is equally as descriptive as Sin A Gog.