Justice for the Silent Lambs

by i_wanna_know 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • i_wanna_know

    Wanted to let y'all know that the Watchman sight I told ya about a while back is now gunning it to the legal deprtment at the ol' Watchtower. Quite a ripper on the whole Silentlambs thing on line, too. Maybe someone could even pass word for this one?

    I Wanna Know, and the sooner the better

    http://e-watchman.com in the essays page. Preetty sure it's titled like the subject if my message, but you'll see which one I meant when you get there.

  • Nanoprobe

    I enjoyed the essay. Among other things It addresses the fact that witnesses do indeed teach that child abuse is wrong, this is an objection I hear continually from the Rank & File, yet the reality is different than the words. It also mentions the WAIT ON JEHOVAH attitude. I'm not sure if God has a clue this organization (jw's) even exists but the essay uses good reasoning for talking with JW's.

    One excerpt

    Jesus Christ condemned the Pharisees for their hypocrisy because they scrupulously observed relatively minor aspects of the Law, but disregarded the weightier matters having to do with justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Likewise, we have devoted ourselves to faithfully engaging in field service and regularly attending meetings, we have even proclaimed that we abhor child abuse, yet by our organizational policies we are denying justice and mercy to thousands of sexually abused children in our congregations! And do we imagine that Jehovah God shall be an accomplice to such atrocities? How could God possibly condone what is taking place among Jehovah's Witnesses?


    Edited by - nanoprobe on 25 September 2002 23:18:42

  • DeProgram

    Thanks for the link ,I found this site very well done and grew encouragement from there thoughts on Silent Lambs... Bravo

  • avengers
    we are denying justice and mercy to thousands of sexually abused children in our congregations! And do we imagine that Jehovah God shall be an accomplice to such atrocities?

    God's People are the way their God is. If the Leaders of the WT are like that then Jehovah must have given the example.!!!!

    I say Jehovah is guilty.! God of Love??????? Bunch of crap.


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