What If...

by Dia 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dia

    What if everything that is done by and for the WTS is done for the secrecy, protection and sake of a power-hungry, sexually perverse, women and child hating bunch of psychologically twisted men, the Governing Body?

    They are, after all, untouchable. 'Worshipped', almost. And kept safely in hiding.

    It is at their behest and at their direction and with their knowledge that all of the horrible things we hear and know of, happen.

    Children dying around blood transfusions. (There are dozens of unusual admonitions in the OT, but they chose this one to spotlight, to promote and to make their central issue, even to the point of celebrating the child martyrs they create.)

    Battered women being silenced.

    Child victims of sexual and physical abuse being silenced.

    Teenagers going to prison over military service.

    A strictly enforced code of 'tattling'.

    A nauseating and intrusive collection of sexual details on all of its members, kept for years in a file that, presumably, only they have access to.

    You can't fix 'the top' when 'the top' is rot.

  • Gopher

    Your post almost answers itself. If the WTS leadership were in it to unselfishly lead the flock, then its activities would be transparent -- clear to be seen by all and above reproach. They wouldn't have to send out a PR man to deny facts and obfuscate the truth.

    It seems like any change to make the organization a more humane place is forced on it by outside affiliated groups like AJWRB (for blood/medical issues) and Silentlambs (for child advocacy and protection issues).

    Why don't they follow the Bible and just do the right thing in the first place?

    Because they are a man-made religion enforcing man's rules, putting their traditions ahead of God's. Didn't Jesus talk about religious leaders such as these?

  • COMF
    What if everything that is done by and for the WTS is done for the secrecy, protection and sake of a power-hungry, sexually perverse, women and child hating bunch of psychologically twisted men, the Governing Body?

    Nothing slow about this poster.

  • Dia

    ...then would the organization not be sinfully evil?.....and would the R&F just honestly be pitifully NAIVE and nothing more?

    Scarey. Scarey like Hitler was scarey.

  • goatlike

    Dia, that's an incredible idea.. personally, i'd never looked at it that way. the implications are stupendous though. they try to fatten up their victims in developing countries and so warmly welcome castaways, strays and anyone detached from their community, almost like they're feeding on lost souls.

  • Sentinel

    Excellent Expression. Thanks

    I too, feel that the JW "men" in control at the very top know exactly what they are doing. It may only be one or two men that do. The others are just as blinded as the rest of us were at one time. True evil has always been able to hide behind people. People who obeyed and thought they were doing the good and right thing.

    Remember, "the angel of light"?

    It is very scarry. And the reference to Hitler is so accurate. He really thought he was doing the right thing by trying to exterminate a race of people. (The race of people he blamed for killing Christ.) How sick is that? He convinced lots of people, and used his power and control over others. It can happen. History teaches us.


  • DeProgram

    I have often had a cold chill go up my spine at the KH when they get on a roll about how good they are and how wicked the world is, There not to far behind some of these arion race skin heads, in fact at the last memorial I attended the brothers passing around the blood, I mean the wine had all shaved there heads, I am not kidding, what was with that, I ran outa that place!!!

  • COMF
    had all shaved there heads

    Hey! If you've got a point to make, make it.

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