Someone recently suggested that if the Society let the elders in the congregations strictly handle disfellowshipping and other matters, that this could free the Watchtower from additional legal problems.Do you think they would ever again give up such control?
by minimus 6 Replies latest jw friends
Unlikely. The WBTS thrives on control.
In effect, the Society often decides who to disfellowship, sometimes over the heads of the local elders. But this is usually hidden in the secret language they use, so if it goes pear-shaped the elders always take the fall.
The letter back states that it is the elder's decision. BUT If a letter for advice comes back quoting scriptures that emphasise mercy then the elders know that the thumb is up. If the letter emphasises keeping the congregation clean etc then the elders know this means a thumbs down.
So, the Society make the decision without saying so - leaving the elders hanging in the wind. Clever huh?
Nathan Natas
If the WTS gets to the point that they leave the elder's saggy asses flappin' in the wind, they'll discover that few of their warriors have the financial resources or the backbone to "step up to posistions of responsibility" in the congregation out of the simple instinct for self-preservation.
- Nathan Natas, UADNA
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 26 September 2002 8:52:16
Next question .
The WTS sees itself as a top-down management organization. Of course, Jesus and Jehovah are only in that theoretically. The WTS says they are the representative of God on earth, his spokesman, so the rank-and-file have to go through them to get to God. The elders are too disunified as bodies for the WTS to depend on to do the "right" thing. Since no one is using the Bible to base their decisions on, why be surprised?
My experience with the WTS in NYC is you can ask a question one day, and ask it a week later and get 2 different answers. Or you can ask someone at the "Service Desk" and someone in the "Writing Department" and get answers 180 degrees apart.
In 1938 Rutherford culminated a series of campaigns to consolidate his power over the congregations and to undercut the elders. I doubt if they are going to let it go back to that.
Speaking of control....
Here is an excerpt from The watchtower of September 1st 2001 Page 14 paragraph one:
Control is a distasteful word to many, since it brings to mind images of coercion and manipulation.
Then it asks two questions.... Are we not free moral agents? Why should we let anything or anyone control in our hearts?
Big Tex
Right now the WTS is where the Catholic Church was during the Middle Ages. Galileo recanted the theory that earth revolved around sun (contrary to the Church's teacing) because he was threatened with excommunication and death. When an organization total authority over their world they will never give it up.