
by Granny Linda 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Ok. I'm not so sure I'll convey my thoughts in a conherent manner, but here goes...

    Tonight my daugher-in-law told me that I'm the most positive people she knows. That my husband and I not only think about what we want, but we get it. The only thing I could think to mention was "visialization." That somehow we do create what we want...and we want or, desire, something more suited to our, small community, a safer place for our grandchildren to grow up dodado etc.

    Now, I struggle with the self esteem issues often. I know that somehow things do work out accordingly, but when someone actually tells me they think I'm a positive person, encouraging, and manage to get what is sorta scares me. Not in the scare of the old JW days, just seems that because I'm capable of great anger - invision those little pins sticking in someone's wax does make me wonder.

    I just don't know. It's gets confusing to me because I'm not some goody-two-shoes who never knowleges anger, hatred, or a myriad of other thoughts many deem "evil." Maybe that's what seems scary...if I'm capable of "creating" the good, then perhaps while I'm thinking about the wax dolls something is happening on that level also.

    Just my ramblings late at night.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I don't know how to edit.

    I believe the word should be visualization.


  • DJ

    Hiya rambler,

    You made sense. I'm pretty sure that you don't want to hear from me but I'm glad your honest. I'm glad that you can acknowledge the hateful desires of the la la. So, whattaya want to do about it? You can see that stuff go away. It just isn't humanly possible though. It is possible by the blood of the lamb. If he did it for me, he will do it for you. Unless, you don't feel like changing it. I think maybe you do? I'm proud of the way you can admit negative stuff about yourself. That's shows character and humility. Now, could you just get the WT to hear you? Love in Christ, Dj

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I'm not so sure that my thinking of little pins sticking in some wax doll is a's all in who is interpetating what according to their particular belief system.

    When I visualize any action - I also accept full responsibility. That, I believe, places a greater responsibility upon myself because I don't have anything or anybody to blame later on for my decision.

    Guess my point of wonderment was about how magical and powerful our thoughts really are...just how creative the human mind is. We don't need a saviour...we don't need a mediator...we simply need too acknowledge that the power lies within. How I would choose to use that energy is up to me.

    Perhaps 'scare' was not an appropriate word. It doesn't scare me at all...when those times happen, and they happen often, I'm more in awe. Actually it's always a good reminder that no man will ever be able to control my thinking; fit me into their little box of right and wrong...but I do appreciate your reply.

    granny; who is getting spunky in her old age. Finally.

  • Flip
    Now, I struggle with the self esteem issues often. I know that somehow things do work out accordingly, but when someone actually tells me they think I'm a positive person, encouraging, and manage to get what is sorta scares me.

    Gran', your thoughts immediately reminded me of this book...almost any public library should have it.

  • xenawarrior

    visualization is a very powerful tool to use in your life. You can master it for your own purposes. If you can visualize yourself being successful at something very specific over a period of time- actually see the pictures in your head- your body and the rest of you will go along with making it happen. Athletes use visualization all the time. "Be the ball Danny"

    I read "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain, many years ago and discovered that I had already been doing it, and learned how to fine tune it.

    an excerpt from her book with regard to "healing":

    "One of the basic principles of holistic health is that we cannot separate our physical health from our emotional, mental and spiritual states of being. All levels are interconnected and a state of "dise-ease" in the body is always a reflection of conflict, tension, anxiety, or disharmony on other levels of being as well."

    It's a good book to glean theory from. I don't get into the affirmations thing myself-too hookey for me but I understand the message and can apply it.

    xw- of the "usually overly optimitistic class"

  • Celtic

    Balmpot Granny Linda

    I relate to this. Do not worry, tis perfectly normal. Your post tells me you are a very self aware individual. In fact, just 2 days ago on Wednesday, at a very good friends birthday party, we were having a discussion in depth about this very topic. If only you could have joined in, I think that you may have liked it.

    Visualisation is great, a very good thing to do. Creating your own future by instigating into your very persona, an ongoing subconscious strategy of what you yourself want from out of life. You may also find that the more positive you become, you do also become increasingly aware of the dark matter also resident within human nature. Not to worry, tis all part of the process, just accept yourself for who you are and keep on enjoying life, cos that in it's simplest terms, is what it's all about!!

    Keep up the good work in being kickass positive about yourself, infectiously your positive spirit and calmness will come shining through, simply all part of the ongoing personal development and/or transformations taking place in your life.

    Thankyou for this post Granny!!

    Have a super weekend and all the best!!

    Mark Price (Celtic) Cornwall UK

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