I am a voice from the past - My poem for the MARCH

by Lady Lee 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am a voice from the past

    I am a voice from the past
    Abandoned, rejected - an outcast
    A child of twelve and all alone
    Abused and treated like a criminal
    Shamed and silenced by those I trusted
    I die alone, depressed and deserted.

    I am a voice from the past
    Abandoned, rejected - an outcast
    A child of five abused by brothers
    No one to hear my cries
    Alone and scared. My life a mess
    Drugs and alcohol to deal with stress.

    I am a voice from the past
    Abandoned, rejected - an outcast
    Abused as child, again as wife
    No compassion from you I found
    Abusers you keep within your walls
    But you never hear the victims' calls.

    I am a voice for the future
    For all those you called sinner
    Here we declare for all to hear
    We were not to blame. You were!
    "Care for the innocents" God says
    SO DO IT - start caring today

    Lee Marsh 2002

    To all those going on the march;

    Speak out your truth, Be bold, and strong. Speak for yourselves and others too. Hold your heads high, Be proud of who you are and what you did to survive. Take back all that abuse and the WTS took from you

    • your pride
    • your self-respect
    • your dignity
    • your safety
    • your honor
    • your voice

    I will be with you in spirit all day long

    Thank you outnfree for taking my lambs and reading my poem

    Edited by - Lady Lee on 27 September 2002 8:47:52

    Edited by - Lady Lee on 27 September 2002 9:41:43

  • xenawarrior


    Excellent poem!!!! Tipping my hat to you again for all of the work you do for this cause. Thinking about you today and hoping this day finds for you some more peace. YOU RAWK!


  • Wolfgirl

    You are one talented person!

    I think that should be printed out and distributed.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thank you xw and wolfgirl

    I just listened to the audio of outnfree reading the above poem at the march. Brenda you did a fabulous job and I cannot thank you enough for doing this

    I am sitting here with tears just rolling down my face just a lot of sadness coming out - can't see to type bbl

  • Joyzabel


    You are a talanted person.

    Brenda read your poen loud and clear. It was moving to hear at the march. Sorry you couldn't be there too.



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