Why aren't the JW's evangelizing on television and radio? It certainly seems to work for many groups and brings in a great deal of money.
just wondering....
by xenawarrior 5 Replies latest jw friends
Why aren't the JW's evangelizing on television and radio? It certainly seems to work for many groups and brings in a great deal of money.
just wondering....
Now xw really!!!
How would their ever-changing policies look on TV or sound on the radio. It is much easier to control a person in the face-to-face "home Bible WT lit study"
People would just turn off the set at such drivel. Their theology would bore people and they would
They are running those Public Service Announcements on the PAX channel.
The question I'd like an answer to is: Why did they STOP using the radio as an evangelizing tool?
It also COSTS money. To use those media when they so STIFFLY condemn the preachers who DO use them as money making opportunists...would render them just a LEEETLE bit hypocritical. It got to the point back in the days when they DID use radio that the Christian stations banned giving them any time at all. Which they promptly turned around and used as propaganda that they were of course the TRUTH because Christendom was persecuting them LOL! Rutherford was nothing more than the Colonel Parker of his day..the Barnum and Bailey of Religiosity. They know that going door to door DOESNT WORK EITHER but damned if it didnt get the books and magazines sold. Now that they cant charge for the literature any more, and the funds are drying up and they finally have resorted to paperbacks and ceasing the mailing of the literature...wherever will they turn to do spread their vile message now? They already condemned the internet but continue to use it themselves. They target the handicapped, the obituaries, the weak, the lonely, the senile, the poor...obviously that great army cannot support them financially, so they talk dying ones into giving their estates over to the society.
They make me puke!
You know, I almost wonder if it isnt for their own protection.
Telivision evangilizing has millions of critical viewers and can be recorded for further examination and contradiction. The society is very private and wishy washy. How could they continue their manipulation tactics and everchanging practices with so many critical non J.W.s viewing.
It would be a riot though!
I guess you never heard the old joke: why aren't the Jehovahs Witness on TV? They are in the magazine business.