Update on HOAX LETTER elder---tee-hee

by ashitaka 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Well, it looks like the elder who Hoaxed the hall with the letter that you could read about here is screwed:


    It seems as though the hall is up in arms about the whole thing. A little girl was so upset that she ran to the bathroom and threw up. When someone asked him how he felt about that, he shrugged his shoulders saying that it wasn't a big deal, and that he did the right thing.

    I think the lynching mob is out in force and his sorry ass is going to get his comeuppance. Good for him. He's an asshole, anyway, always was.

    Perhaps he'll be joining our DF'd ranks soon? LOL


  • Simon

    ... and you think we need more assholes here ?!

    (I'm joking folks ... put the pitch-forks down!)

  • ThiChi

    This tactic was used quite a bit (in the 80s) in the South Gate, CA Congregation by our PO Paul Trask III (Grandson of Paul Trask I who is referenced in Ray Franz Book, COC) He would read a similar letter and then state at the end, "This can really happen one day, be on guard!."

    Simon, you need a motto: "JWs, give me your poor, your Dfed, your DAed, your........... hehe

    Edited by - thichi on 27 September 2002 10:57:48

  • apple829

    LOL @ Simon!

    What's one more a**hole among friends!


  • ashitaka


    He won't be joining us here. He HATES us.

    If murder for religious reasons was legal, he would kill thirty of us a day for breakfast. He's a ruthless bastard who's about to get 'what 'fer' from his underlings. It should be an interesting fight.

    I'll keep you updated. Apparently there's buckets of people getting involved, even from other circuits. It's always nice to see a jerk get what he deserves.


  • Xandria

    As in Shriek .. Grab your torch and pitchforkss!!!!


  • Jourles

    That's funny. I went to the TMS meeting last night and there were no new announcements. We just had the normal "these books and mags are being offered next month" and a presentation on using them. Then we had a local needs talk --- Pretty boring. It was about inviting people we do not know very well over for meals in our homes. Our hall must never do anything wrong. And the last part was some sort of follow up to our last circuit assembly.

    That elder gets what he deserves.

  • truthseeker1

    Funny local needs talk. You have a lot of cheap elders in the hall looking for a free meal or something??

    "Have you invited an eler over for dinner lately???"

  • Mary

    "Have you invited an elder over for dinner lately???"

    No, but I'd love to have one of them over.

    ------Dr. Hannabel Lector

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