I have posted this information on another thread, but I think it is important enough to have its own thread.
I have been doing research into the roots of "bloodless medicine" and naturally, the "bloodless surgeon" Ron Lapin that the JWs hail as a hero, has come under my scrutiny.
This post concerns the lawyer Gerald Garner, who represented Ron Lapin during the 80s and 90s when Lapin was being investigated for dangerous medical practices, and for being too eager to slice open patients by burning them with a cauterizing knife.
Garner was received to the New York bar in 1961, and was suspended in New York in 1984 for his role in an adoption proceeding. Basically, Garner arranged adoptions that weren't legal - he used false names and didn't follow the State's laws on adoptions. He was also disbarred in Columbia in 1992
Garner and Lapin met sometime before Gene Church published his book No Man's Blood in 1983.
As they ate breakfast, Lapin recalled how he’d first met Gerry Garner two years before at Dr. Kaller’s Fourth of July party. There was something about this burly guy with his Jewish modification of an Afro hair style and a mischievous smile that instantly captured Lapin’s attention. As they sat around a small table near the crowded swimming pool — trying to converse over discordant sounds created by twenty children and a handful of adults frolicking in the water — Lapin had the pleasure of gaining insight into one of the sharpest legal minds around. He had always admired creative thinkers; but in Gerry, he saw the epitome, the zenith.
“You have a dissecting, diabolical mind,” Lapin said, devouring a piece of barbequed roast beef. Garner seemed unimpressed by the compliment. He simply continued to drink his protein meal, determined to stick to his diet even in the thick of a hedonistic, gastronomic orgy.
He told Lapin that between his two offices — one in New York and the other in Fullerton, a distant suburb of Los Angeles — he’d amassed a flight schedule that could match or even surpass that of most commercial pilots.
In a most prophetic statement, Lapin told Garner before he left, “If I ever get into trouble, I mean real trouble, I’d like you to defend me.”
“Be more than glad to. As a matter of fact, I’d be honored,” Garner replied as the two shook hands.
Right then it didn’t occur to Lapin just how soon he’d need Garner’s services, or that they’d end up being the very closest of friends.
Their friendship sprang from deep mutual respect for one another’s professional abilities, and was strengthened by their common Jewish heritage. It was brought more sharply into focus by other shared experiences: the seemingly tireless ability to be in perpetual motion and the shared background of having had a difficult childhood.
Gerald Garner was involved in several law cases that concerned Jehovah's Witnesses and was the CEO for Coast Medical Plaza for many years before he died in 2002.
He was also involved in a huge banking scandal.
Garner also founded Garner Health Law and after his death, his legacy of corruption and fraud lived on:
It was while I was researching Gerald Garner that I ran across a facebook page that concerned his shady adoption practices during the 70s and 80s. There are adoptees that are searching for their birth families and are having difficulties because their adoption processes were handled by a "black market lawyer".
Just posting this here, what I and 2 others have found out to date, and hoping for any new information or shares to help us in our search for our family. In another odd twist, this same criminal attorney was arrested and tried in Ohio as well for attempted baby stealing. So now we can add THAT state to the list of possible sites where I and many others may have been born and taken from.
The Attorney who did the adoption was disbarred, for fraud, filing false adoption and false birth certificate records. I was born in 1975, but the day is now questionable. I have 9-1 on my certificate which is most likely false. It has also come to light the attorney was arrested and tried for baby stealing in ohio in the mid 1970's (1977) as well so we can now add that state to the list of possibles along with California, New York, New Jersey. I have also included below some additional links about the criminal attorney and his family who were also apparently all criminals as well, it ran in the family. If ANYONE knows ANYTHING please contact me... He at one time was a partner at Garner & Kreinces in New York.
This criminal and his associates had over 40 years to destroy lives and families and they did a bang up job of it. It's time to take our history back, to get our families back.
We've had what appears to be 'good samaritans' forward info to us, using what may be aliases to avoid connection. If you are one of those people, we gladly accept your anonymous help, not everyone who now passes along info to us knew what this criminal attorney was doing, some just had 'creepy feelings' about him and his cronies, but never any real proof until they started connecting dots. This being said, if you were connected to him or involved with him in any way, you probably have information relevant you don't even realize will help us. Therefore, private message me whatever you remember or have and we will take it from there with regards to research.
The reason I am posting this here is because Gerald Garner had extensive involvement with Jehovah's Witness families and it may be possible that some of his illegal adoptions came from the JW community. If anyone has any information that may be helpful to the adoptees that were victimized by this lawyer, I am sure that it would make some people very happy.