There was a thread that was asking for proof that the WTS demands that the elders do what they say. I found the following on Quotes' site:
*** Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock (1991) p.100-101 *** [Click Here to learn more about this lesser known book]Propriety of Disfellowshipping
When making decisions or answering questions about judicial reproof, disfellowshipping, disassociation, or reinstatement, elders should be certain that their decisions and answers are based solidly on the Bible and are in harmony with the most recent statements by the Society. (Compare 1 Corinthians 4:6.)
Is anyone aware of any WT or Year Book articles about congregations being dissolved at the order of the WTS? This would also clearly demonstrate that they do in fact have authority over the congregations.
We also need to get our hands on a copy of the book "Direct and Cross-Examination Questions in Child Custody Cases"
Edited by - Elsewhere on 29 September 2002 12:17:28