Just found out tonite that my congregation currently has 13 bible studies happening at the moment. And 11 of them are family member bible studys. Does anyone else on this board know the number of bible studys for their cong?
Bible Studys...
by TheApostleAK 5 Replies latest jw friends
or a WTBTS publication study!? -
In my cong the situation is as follows:
Children of JW's - Others 7-0
Gianluca -
It's bible studies using the various study aids (required brochure, knowledge book etc)
Here's a bible study "topic," if you like?
I was talking to some JWs the other day and they provided a scripture 1 Cor. 13:10 which says:
"but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away."
Talking about miracles, & things will cease. But they said that the "complete" thing or the "perfect" thing was the bible. Now, IF THIS IS SO .... then where is John 5:4, Acts 8:37, Acts 24:7, etc.?
In addition to that my Lord has said:
"You keep searching the SCRIPTURES because you think that BY MEANS OF THEM you will have everlasting life. And these (the bible) are they which bear witness of Me."
"And yet you will NOT come to ME that you will have life." (John 5:39, 40)
We can 'search' the scriptures and try to 'know' everything IN them, and STILL not get everlasting life. Or you can go directly to the Son who is IN your midst, not far off from each one of us, ASK him and directly recieve everlasting life. (John 4:14; 7:37-39, the 'water' is NOT the bible nor 'knowledge').
If the bible was the "complete" thing, then that is all we need to have 'everlasting life,' it being "perfect."
Peace to you all
Aaron -
I think that you will find if you consider verse 9 of 1 Corinthians 13, that the witnesses are taking verse 10 out of context. Verse 9 reads: “For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially.” Paul was here saying that the first century Christians did not fully understand the prophetic scriptures (partial knowledge) so that their applications of prophesy was only a partial explanations of these scriptures. The prophetic scriptures were not fulfilled in their entirety upon 1st century Christians. There was only a partial fulfillment.
Revelation 10:7 says: “But in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish.” This means that the complete fulfillment of these prophetic scriptures will occur in our day.
Paul was not referring to whether the written word was perfect or imperfect as the case may be. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not to this day understand anymore of the prophetic scriptures than did Paul in his day. To say that because the entire Bible had not been written down in Paul’s day and use this statement as the explanation for Paul’s statement that ‘his knowledge was partial’ is ludicrous. Paul and other 1st century writer were dealing with applying the already written scriptures to Jesus and themselves to explain what Jehovah was doing. And Paul was saying that he simply did not see the complete fulfillment of these written scriptures in his day. This complete fulfillment would then obviously be for another day and time.