How many time do we see philosophical gems of matchless truth in the Societies literature which are followed by some completely contradictory and ludicrous statement.
The following example is taken from Mankinds Search for God:
*** sh 26-7 2 Religion-How Did It Begin? ***
Logic tells us that a correct conclusion can be deduced only from a correct premise. If one starts off with a faulty premise, it is unlikely that one will reach a sound conclusion.
You cant fault that, but look what it goes on to say:
*** sh 368 16 The True God and Your Future ***
It paints vivid pictures of major events to take place in the time of the end, the time in which, according to Biblical evidence, mankind has been living since 1914.
The theory is that if (a) is true it automatically follows that (b) is true also.
I once found an excellent web site that showed just how the WBTS use language patterns such as the Milton Model and Meta Model to bypass the filters in the brain.
Of course you would have to be absolutely paranoid to believe that every article in every publication is full of verbal trickery. Not only would it be self defeating it is totally unnecessary but used in the right way it can have a devastating effect, even upon the most intelligent individuals
Has anyone come across the web site I mentioned above or does anyone have other examples of the Societies use of language patterns put across its message?