Can I get somewhere in the Internet downloadable electronic versions of Watchtower or Awake?
Can I get Watchtower or Awake on the Internet?
by Zaanieth 7 Replies latest jw experiences
I assume you mean current issues? Not that I know of. With the crackdown on JW sites, less and less is out there.
And have the "brothers" lose all
that revenuethose donations by making The Truth(tm) free for anyone who wants it??Don't be silly.
Love, Scully
And if the current issue is unavailable, what about some latest issues? I'm searching for that on the Internet because in some aspect it's dangerous to get or bother magazines from JWs. And JWs are taking their money to release that and I don't like it.
The only way I know to get the magazines is if you have someone in your family who is a JW or if you are a return visit. Nothing is available on-line.
Here are some great Quotes for you to look at and print out from past and presaent issues!
Check out your local laundromat, donut shop, coffee shop or hospital waiting rooms. They usually have older issues, and the proprietors of these establishments will be glad to have you pick them up. It saves them from throwing the magazines in the garbage.
Love, Scully
This is Tract Month! You should be getting a friendly visit from local KH members and being handed the "Would You Like To Know More About The Bible?" tract. I am sure they will give you a copy of a WT. I hope you find what you need.