Scandels and dissention were prevelant in the early christian congregations. It was fortold that wickedness would penatrate the brotherhood as the end approached.(so therefore they have pediphiles) Given 9-11 and the threats of war and on and on and on (not to mention the hurricanes) all this only means the end is fastly approaching.
If armagedon does not come this time many will leave the org (i.e. 1975)- And with the 1975 date in the memories of so many jw's- though they do not speak of it and try to forget it- the fall out could be greater this time.
All the hard hitting news that reaches us by cable each day the jw's are quitetly believing that the END IS NEAR. They are afraid to be too loud about it- just in sace they are wrong again- but the thougt is there and real to them.
So I say- look out- if armagedon does not come shortly and the threat of war dies down- many may indeed drop out of the WT, more than were effected by the 1975 false prophecy.
Remember they believe themselves to be an elite group, being lead by god's representitives (the GB) and they expect the worst for themselves before their salvation. They have harped on this message for a century- death, prison and ridicule do not sway them. And they are proud of that fact.They love to talk about all the persacution some have endured. To them these scandels only prove to them that their message is the true message.
The only thing that drives them out in numbers is the failing prophecies. Many of us here remember what happened in the years and months prior to and right after 1975.